You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7256

They cheered and ran out to find their father.

In the evening, when ye Xingbei went downstairs for dinner, she saw her sons chirping around the sofa.

Ye Xingbei walked over curiously, "little tree, what are you looking at?"

She came closer. Before the sapling answered, she saw three kittens on the sofa.

She: "

"Mom!" said the little sapling happily, "dad bought us three kittens."

"I, I!" Xiaojiang held xiaopang's hand high. "I picked it!"

Xiao Xie, unwilling to fall behind, also raised his little fat hand, "I picked it too!"

Ye Xingbei: "

She turned and looked at the smiling fifth master Gu, "how fast you are!"

Her son just said he wanted to have a cat. She took a nap and the cat came home.

Gu Junzhu smiled and said, "I took Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie to the nearby cat house."

Ye Xingbei shook his head helplessly, "I knew it would be like this."

When she handed over the decision to Gu Wuye, she had expected this result.

Gu Wuye really didn't surprise her.

"Mom! Kitten is so cute!" Xiaojiang hugged her thigh and looked at her with a white and tender face.

"Yes, yes!" little thank you nodded hard. "The hair of meow is so soft! It's much softer than white hair!"

"Mom, will they be second brothers?" youyou suddenly asked with worry.

Ye Xingbei: "... What?"

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She looked at you puzzled, "who eats my brother?"

"They!" youyou pointed to the baby cat who looked like it had just had a full moon. "They!"

Ye Xingbei: "

She rubbed the wandering little head and said jokingly, "they are cats! Cats don't eat people!"

"I know!" youyou nodded his little head and looked at the little fish anxiously: "but the fourth brother is a little fish! Cats eat fish!"

Ye Xingbei: "

Blame her for giving her son the wrong name!

She jokingly explained: "although the fourth brother is called little fish, the fourth brother is not a fish! The fourth brother is human, and cats don't eat people."

"Oh..." you you suddenly realized, "it's soy sauce purple!"

He patted his chest with his little fat hand and looked relieved, "I'm relieved of soy sauce purple!"

Ye Xingbei smiled and pinched his white and tender cheek. "Your four brothers are so big and they are so small. How can they eat your four brothers?"

"Monsters can be transformed!" youyou said solemnly, "after monsters are transformed, their mouths can become bigger. Ah, Wu swallowed the four brothers in one bite."

Ye Xingbei: "

She smiled and rubbed the melon. "Swim! If you don't know what you like to do when you grow up, you will write novels like your future second aunt!"

I can make up stories at such a young age. The future can be expected!

His big black eyes flickered and flickered. He was confused and didn't understand what his mother was talking about.

Ye Xingbei rubbed his little head again: "when you grow up, you will understand."

You you tilted his little head and thought about it. He didn't understand. He simply didn't think about it. He ran to xiaomeow and continued to see meow.

Ye Xingbei said to Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie, "Er Bao, San Bao, you can raise meow, but you can't let meow into your mother's bedroom! Otherwise, your mother will send meow away.", the fastest update of the webnovel!