You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7275

Ye Xingbei: "

Mr. Gu is becoming more and more flirtatious!

Apart from being stung by bees, the children had a good time on the whole.

The ointment is very effective. After applying it, although the bag stung by bees did not disappear immediately, it didn't hurt much.

Since it didn't hurt much, it didn't affect Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie's interest in playing. The two little guys soon went crazy and forgot the pain and panic of being stung by bees.

The next day, the family came back to enjoy themselves.

When he got home, ye Xingbei was a little tired. He took a bath and rested at the head of the bed.

Xiaojiang suddenly ran in with his mobile phone, followed by Xiaojiang. Thank you, "Mom! Mom!"

Xiaojiang climbed into bed in twos and threes and handed his mobile phone to the north of Ye Xing, "Mom, I want to raise such a meow!"

"Meow meow?" Ye Xingbei looked down.

A short video is playing on the mobile phone. In the short video, there is a baby and three cats.

The cat looks like a puppet. It is well raised. Its fur is smooth and fat. It looks good when lying lazily beside the baby.

Xiaojiang looked forward to looking at Ye Xingbei and said, "Mom, I want it too!"

Ye Xingbei said in embarrassment, "but what if my mother doesn't want it?"

"Why?" Xiaojiang asked incomprehensibly, "why doesn't mom want meow so cute?"

"Yes, yes!" thank you for trying to keep your head small. "Mom, Sanbao also wants to meow, meow, meow, so cute!"

Ye Xingbei said, "but we already have them."

"They are dogs and can't go to bed," Xiaojiang and ye Xingbei reasoned. "I want to sleep in bed with me, meow!"

Ye Xingbei: "

She doesn't like cat hair.

Cat hair is indispensable in a cat's home. It's OK for cat hair to fall on the ground. If it falls on the bed, she can't stand it.

She said reluctantly, "raising a cat will lose its hair. If you let the cat sleep with you, there will be a lot of hair on your bed."

"What does that matter?" Xiaojiang pointed to his mobile phone and said, "she can, so can I!"

In the video, there is a female baby. The baby is catching one of the three puppets.

Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie look envious and write two words all over their faces: want!

Ye Xingbei has a headache. "Cats and cats will catch people when they are unhappy. People caught by cats and cats will have to get rabies vaccine and fart. It hurts very much!"

"I'm not afraid!" Xiaojiang patted his chest. "Er Bao is brave!"

Xiao Xie straightened his chest, "Sanbao is braver!"

Ye Xingbei: "

She was defeated in the expectation of the two little guys. "You go and discuss with your father. If your father agrees, you can raise it."

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After hearing this, Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie were immediately happy.

Young as they are, they know everything.

Usually when their mother says this, it means they want to do what they want!

In their home, their mother always doesn't let them do this or that, others, they can do anything.

Especially their father, no matter what they ask, their father will meet them!

Generally speaking, when their mother says, ask your father about it, it means that although their mother doesn't like what they are going to do and doesn't want to compromise, she doesn't want to disappoint them, so she gives the choice to their father.

Then they can do what they want!, the fastest update of the webnovel!