You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7245

"How can it be a line of eyes?" Qin Jun night laughing and saying, "we are all one family. What can't be said? Are you saying," Chi brother? "

He is short and can't reach Gu Chi's shoulder, otherwise he must have hooked up with Gu Chi by now.

Anyway, that's what he showed.

Gu Chi was angry and funny. He shook his head helplessly. "Night is less. I didn't say you. If you keep growing so freely, I think you're a little hanging. You'll be cleaned up by the young master sooner or later!"

"It's all right, I'm not afraid," Qin Jun patted his chest at night. "My skin is rough. As long as master doesn't dislike me, it's a piece of cake!"

Gu Chi asked him, "what if the young master dislikes him?"

"Impossible!" Qin Jun said at night, "my own master, can I not understand? Where is the bottom line of master? My door is clear! I can't be despised by master!"

Gu Chi: "


He's right. He's really a clever boy!

He had no choice but to take them to the Guo family's residence.

Although the Guo family is not as rich as the Chi family before, they are also a small rich family with the support of the Chi family. Otherwise, they don't have the money to come here to play.

However, they have a shallow foundation in the end and are reluctant to rent a single Courtyard Villa directly like a family. What they live in is an ordinary room in the hotel.

Gu Chi's men wanted to knock at the door, but Qin Junye stopped them. "Brothers, don't worry about anything. Look at me!"

Gu Chi's men looked back at Gu Chi.

Gu Chi waved his hand at him, and he smiled back behind Gu Chi.

Qin Jun rolled his arms and sleeves at night and knocked on the door.

"Who?" a woman's voice came from the room.

"I picked up a wallet at the door. Did you lose it?" Qin Jun shouted at the door.

Gu Chi: "

No money to read novels? Give you cash or some coins and get it within 1 day! Pay attention to the public · public · number [book friend base camp], get it for free!

That's an excuse!

That's great!

"Wallet?" the door was opened from the inside, and a woman's body appeared: "what wallet?"

Qin Junye didn't answer her question at all and pushed her into the room.

The woman was a little confused. "Hey, whose child are you? What do you want to do?"

"Don't want to do anything?" Qin Junye asked, "where's your son? Let him come and have a look. Is the wallet I found his?"

Guo Liangcai came out of the bathroom with his pants. He looked up and saw Qin Junye, "who are you?"

Qin Junye and Huo Zhongqi recognized him at a glance.

Although they were far away at that time and didn't have time to run to protect Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie, Guo Liangcai ran away and laughed at Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie. They saw it from a distance.

The cheap look on that face, it is estimated that they will not forget it in recent years!

When enemies meet, they are particularly jealous.

Without saying a word, Huo Zhongqi took out the honey from the bag, unscrewed the lid, and threw the honey on Guo Liangcai.

According to his agreement with Huo Zhongqi, after the honey was dumped on Guo Liangcai, he ignored it and turned around and ran out.

At the same time, Qin Jun night opened the black plastic bag, threw the honeycomb on Guo Liangcai, and then turned around and ran away.

A group of bees flew out of the plastic bag. Guo Liangcai was soon stung by bees and ran around crying.

Guo Liangcai's parents were shocked and ran to save Guo Liangcai. They were also stung and screamed by bees., the fastest update of the webnovel!