You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7244

Gu Chi shook his head. "All right, give me the bee. You don't have to worry about the rest."

"That's not good!" Qin Jun night looked at him warily, hid the big black plastic bag behind him and grabbed it, "I have to throw this honeycomb on the little rabbit!"

"You have to throw the beehive on the little rabbit?" Gu Chi laughed angrily. "If the beehive is thrown out of the plastic bag, the bees will fly everywhere. What if you are stung by the bees?"

"Impossible!" Qin Junye said decisively, "I'm such a smart man. How can I do such a stupid thing? I've been ready long ago. Bees won't sting us!"

Gu Chi was speechless. "Why? Bees are still relatives of your family. They know you and only sting others, not you?"

"That's not true," Qin Junye said. "Although bees are not my relatives, I'm smart! I'm prepared!"

He pointed to the bag in Huo Zhongqi's hand: "brother Chi, do you know what that is?"

Gu Chi looks at the bag in Huo Zhongqi's hand.

The things in the bag are not big. It looks like a square bottle or box.

What is it?

He suddenly thought, "honey?"

"Bingo!" Gu Chi snapped his fingers triumphantly. "I first pour honey on the little rabbit, and then throw the honeycomb on him. Then I pull Qi Qi and run away. Look who the bee stung!"

Gu Chi: "

The plan is quite comprehensive!

He didn't think so much and came barehanded.

However, with their skills, only a few bees can't sting them.

But Gu Chi and Huo Zhongqi's short legs are not necessarily.

But although they don't run fast and have limited skills, they have a good brain!

He smiled and rubbed Qin Junye's head, "you are really a clever ghost!"

The young masters of their family count Qin Jun's brain at night and many ghost ideas.

Ghost ghost!

Qin Jun smiled: "please call me genius! Thank you!"

Gu Chi: "... Say you're fat, you're still panting, aren't you?"

He stretched out his hand: "OK, don't be poor! Give me honey and honeycomb. I'll help you vent your anger."

"That's not good!" Qin Junye clutched the black plastic bag and stepped back a few steps. "Brother Chi, I can listen to you for anything else. It's not negotiable! I have to go to avenge xiaoshumiao'er, Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie with Qi Qi in person, or I can't even eat! Right, Qi Qi?"

"That's right!" Huo Zhongqi nodded and said, "it's not a gentleman not to revenge!"

Gu Chi: "

The two people stood up and looked firm. We wouldn't listen to what you said.

After thinking about it, he thought that the plan was comprehensive and they were there. How could he protect Qin Junye and Huo Zhongqi, so he no longer insisted.

He compromised. "Just once, not again."

"Good good!" Qin Jun nodded again and again: "I promise it's only this time, not next time!"

This must be the only time, not again!

Who can always be stung by bees?

Gu Chi asked him, "do you know the name of the child who stabbed the bee nest at the little man's feet? Where are you going to find him after you made a beehive?"

"Know!" Qin Junye laughed, "I've asked the bodyguards!"

Gu Chi squinting, "I have your eye liner, right?", the fastest update of the webnovel!