You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7233

"You are wrong," Wen Qiongyu said calmly. "Although you left me at my most difficult time, you and I are not married. You have the freedom to break up with me.

You didn't take away my money or do anything else to hurt me. You were with Bai Ke'er after breaking up with me.

I don't want to take revenge on you, because I don't think I need to waste my time on taking revenge on you. You're not worth my time.

But unfortunately, some people don't think so.

In this world, there are few people who give charcoal in the snow, and many people fall into the well.

When our company turned the corner, I became the eldest lady of the family again, so I had a small group of people who wanted to please me, speculated my mind and did something I thought could please me.

They thought I hated you, so even without my advice, in order to please me, they went to Bai Ke'er's father and revealed that you were with Bai Ke'er.

In their opinion, you are a complete villain. Bai Ke'er will be with you only when he is deceived by you.

When they tell this news to Bai Ke'er's father, they can not only please me, but also sell Bai Ke'er's father a favor. Kill two birds with one stone. Why not? "

Kill two birds with one stone, why not?

These eight words deeply hurt Xiao Yuyou's heart.

He has become a tool for others to please Wen Qiongyu and Bai Ke'er's father!

He clung to his cell phone and couldn't speak for a long time.

"Let me guess why you suddenly called me," Wen Qiongyu suddenly smiled. "Did Bai Ke'er break up with you, and our Wen family survived the disaster, and I became the eldest lady of the Wen family again. You regret breaking up with me and want to make up with me?"

Xiao Yuyou doesn't want to admit Wen Qiongyu's guess because of his self-esteem.

He knew very well that if he admitted it, Wen Qiongyu would laugh at him.

If he were Wen Qiongyu, he would never forgive those who betrayed him at his most critical moment.

However, he really needs Wen Qiongyu so much that he can't bear to deny it.

He's afraid of negation. He'll never have a chance in his life.

He said in a dumb voice, "Yuyu, you guessed wrong. It's not that Bai Ke'er wants to break up with me, but that I broke up with Bai Ke'er on my own initiative.

I've been in pain since we broke up

I can't forget the happy and sweet life when we were together

Yuyu, after we broke up, I found out that you are the one I love... "

Wen Qiongyu was silent for a moment and laughed loudly, "Xiao Yuyou, haven't you heard the saying that you gain wisdom by taking a cut?

I've been cheated by you once. How can I be cheated by you again?

The horse power is known from a distance, and the heart is seen over time.

I'm glad that although you've been pretending well all the time, the sudden disaster of our writers finally exposed your selfish and ugly face.

I was cheated by you before because of my bad eyesight, not because of my bad brain.

Now, I know you are a completely selfish villain. How can I let you be my boyfriend again?

Xiao Yuyou, you shouldn't be such a naive person. "

Xiao Yuyou blushed with shame. "Yuyu, you misunderstood me. I really love you!"

"No, you don't love me. You love the rich gold owner. When I have money, you love me. When I have no money, you don't love me," Wen Qiongyu said calmly: "Xiao Yuyou, don't embarrass yourself. I'm very busy. I don't want to waste my precious time to humiliate you. Please don't humiliate yourself."

What else did Xiao Yuyou want to say? There was a voice from the receiver that the mobile phone was hung up.

When the mobile phone was hung up, the "click" sound was like a sharp knife, cutting off all his hopes.

His legs were soft and he fell down on the sofa in a cold sweat. He couldn't slow down for a long time., the fastest update of the webnovel!