You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7232

Wen Qiongyu and Bai Ke'er favored him, which made him float.

Bai Ke'er broke up with him without hesitation and gave him a head-on blow, which made him suddenly wake up.

In the entertainment industry, his temperament and appearance are not top.

Therefore, after so many years in the entertainment circle, it is only Wen Qiongyu and Bai Ke'er who like him.

Of course, those rich old women who have money don't count.

He likes money and power, but he prefers independent personality and young and beautiful girls.

He will not abandon his face and dignity for the sake of money and power.

It's OK to fall in love with the young and beautiful Bai Fumei for money and power. He will never do it near the rich woman.

What a shame.

He entered the entertainment industry at the age of 18 and is 26 this year.

After working hard in the entertainment industry for eight years, Bai Fumei, Wen Qiongyu and Bai Ke'er, fell in love with him.

At that time, he was still young and had no bad reputation.

But now he is twenty-six.

In the entertainment industry, 26 is already a very embarrassing age.

Moreover, his reputation has smelled. Will Bai Fumei like him in the future?

I'm afraid it's like winning the lottery. Isn't it possible?

The pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty is the instinct of human nature.

And he is a villain who abandoned his girlfriend and chose another woman at the critical moment of his girlfriend.

As long as it is Bai Fumei who has no pit in his head, who will like a man like him?

Thinking of this, he regretfully grabbed his hair.

He was wrong, very wrong.

He shouldn't break up with Wen Qiongyu!

If he hadn't broken up with Wen Qiongyu, he would be the son-in-law of Wen's group.

Wen Qiongyu's family will appreciate him for helping the Wen family in the critical moment.

In his life, he will have a transcendent position in the literary family.

But now

It is often said that choice is very important.

And he made the most wrong choice in his life.

He is unwilling.

He tasted the coldness of the world in the entertainment industry and suffered a lot before he came to this day.

He is unwilling to draw water with a bamboo basket.

His trembling fingers dialed Wen Qiongyu's cell phone: "Yuyu, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Wen Qiongyu said strangely. "Why did you call me all of a sudden? Is there anything we haven't made clear?"

"No..." his voice trembled. "I, I just drank wine and suddenly remembered the time we used to be together, Yuyu..."

His voice was dumb and affectionate: "I miss you so much..."

It has to be said that as a second-line artist, he still has some capital.

He has a nice voice.

Especially when such gentle and affectionate words seem to move the truth, people's heartstrings vibrate and can't help but want to be intoxicated.

Unfortunately, Wen Qiongyu has clearly known what kind of person he is and will no longer be moved by his hypocritical "true feelings".

She smiled: "Xiao Yuyou, I suddenly thought why you called me... Did Bai Ke'er break up with you?"

Xiao Yuyou was stunned and asked subconsciously, "how do you know?"

"Guess," Wen Qiongyu said in a relaxed voice, "Xiao Yuyou, do you know? In this world, some people like to send charcoal in the snow, and some people like to fall into the well... Yesterday, a friend of mine specially called me and told me that he told Bai Ke'er's father about you and Bai Ke'er in order to defend me against injustice..."

Xiao Yuyou suddenly blushed: "you hurt me? Why? We've broken up. Why did you hurt me?", the fastest update of the webnovel!