You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7144

Should brother ye be the same?

Although he usually looks careless and doesn't care about anything, he will be more vulnerable than usual when he is ill.

The emotions that can be hidden at ordinary times are amplified when he is ill, so he cries so hard.

"That's true," Huo Zhongqi nodded. "Brother Ye often talks about a man's husband bleeding without tears. If he wakes up tomorrow and knows he's crying hysterically tonight, will he collapse? Oh!"

He pounded his palm with his fist and said regretfully, "at that time, I just pressed him and didn't let him move. I forgot the video!"

Gu Junzhu: "

What earthshaking brotherhood is this?!

He shook his head and said to Ling Yue, "it's getting late. Go and have a rest. Children don't stay up late. The president is not high."

The children nodded and didn't say they had to stay here.

Gu Qingrun is there. There are doctors. They can't accompany them.

However, when Nie Yan came to the door, he still looked back and asked Gu Qingrun: "brother Qingrun, will brother ye be all right?"

He has the most delicate feelings among several children. He is honest and loyal. Sometimes he is a little sentimental and thinks more.

Gu Qingrun understood his character and comforted him with a smile: "don't worry, it's just an ordinary cold. He'll be alive tomorrow."

"It's also very lively tonight," Huo Zhongqi said heartlessly. "The three of us can hardly hold him down! Brother Ye has great strength!"

Ling Yue glanced at him and comforted Nie Yan: "don't worry, brother Qingrun is here. It must be all right."

Nie Yan nodded. Although he was still worried, he walked back step by step.

"You can go back, young master," Gu Qingrun said. "Yeshao is fine. You should be able to reduce your fever after every drop."

In fact, he was very tangled about whether to inform their young master.

It's just a common cold. Notice, it seems a little fussy.

If you don't notice, Qin Jun burned so high at night that people were confused. Several other children were shocked. They had been around here and refused to go back to rest.

If he doesn't tell them the young master, it seems that their master is a little... Fickle.

He hesitated for a long time before deciding to send a message to their young master.

He didn't dare to call. What if he called in the middle of the night and woke up the young lady and the young man?

Send a private message. Whether their young master can hear the hint of this private message depends on the will of heaven.

Now it seems that the providence is to let their young master hear his private letter.

Their young masters didn't come in vain. At least they persuaded those young masters back to their rooms.

Just now he also said to let them have a rest. He and his assistant can accompany them. It doesn't work at all.

Gu Jun nodded one by one, "take good care of him and meet his needs."

Gu Qingrun nodded, "OK, young master, I know."

When Gu Junzhu wanted to leave, Qin Junye suddenly got up in a restless dream, "no! Don't come here! Don't come here! Grandpa! Master! Help! Help!"

He closed his eyes and shook his head uneasily. In an instant, he was sweating.

Gu Junzhu: "

He walked over, smoked some paper towels and wiped his sweat. "It's okay. No one wants your life. You're dreaming."

Qin Junye still closed his eyes and shouted, "help! Master! Brother Yue! Little tree! Grandpa! Help!", the fastest update of the webnovel!