You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7143

Although they are already an old husband and wife, they can't finish talking together.

It's not an important thing, that is, the family is short, chatting East and West, and unknowingly chatting for a long time.

Late at night, chatting, ye Xingbei fell asleep.

Gu Jun bowed his head one by one and kissed her. He rubbed the top of her hair with a gentle smile, turned off the wall lamp and closed his eyes.

I don't know how long later, his cell phone rang.

He opened his eyes from his sleep.

Ye Xingbei, Xiaoyu and youYou are still asleep.

He took his cell phone.

His mobile phone is dual card and dual standby. A family specific number is turned on 24 hours to avoid that his family can't contact him.

The reason why the mobile phone suddenly rang was that Gu Qingrun sent him a private message: young master, you have a fever at night.

Gu Jun frowned one by one and replied: is it serious?

Gu Qingrun: it's more than 39 degrees. The fever is very high. People are a little confused, but it should be an ordinary viral cold. I gave him a drip.

Gu Junzhu: OK.

He put down his cell phone and got up gently.

Fortunately, ye Xingbei slept heavily since he was pregnant. He was careful enough to make no noise and didn't wake Ye Xingbei and his two children.

He went out quietly and came to the small building where several children slept.

Find Qin Junye's room, push the door in and see Gu Qingrun sitting by Qin Junye's bed. Ling Yue, Huo Zhongqi and Nie Yan are all there.

Seeing Gu Jun pushing the door in one by one, several children were surprised, "master?"

Gu Qingrun stood up, "young master."

Gu Jun asked Ling Yue one by one, "Why are you all here?"

It's more than two in the morning. They should all be asleep.

Ling Yue answered softly, "I felt a little uncomfortable before going to bed. I vomited several times. I was worried about him. When I got up and went to the bathroom? I came to see him by the way. I found that he had a fever, so I called brother Qingrun."

After Gu Qingrun came? First gave Qin Junye an injection to reduce fever.

Qin Jun's night has burned out? During the injection? The ghosts were crying and howling, crying and making noise, which woke up Huo Zhongqi and Nie Yan police next door.

Huo Zhongqi said inconceivably, "master? Brother Ye always said he killed a wild boar? Is he bragging? He just gave a fever injection. He cried like a pig killer."

Gu Junzhu: "

He was worried, but what did Ling Yue and Huo Zhongqi say? He was suddenly funny.

Qin Junye is the favorite among these children.

Pretend to be an adult, domineering and great Xia? In short, it's all kinds of good and affectation.

Okay? It used to be white.

"Brother Qi? Don't say that about brother ye?" said the kind policeman Nie Yan. "Brother Ye is confused? He certainly didn't mean to cry."

He must have been sad to cry.

This sentence, Nie Yan police did not say.

Because he felt it inappropriate to say this in front of Gu Junzhu.

When he first came to take care of his family, he secretly hid in the quilt and cried in the middle of the night.

He misses his father.

Although Shifu and Shimu are very kind to them? But it was not his biological parents.

He dreamed countless times? He dreamed that his father was still alive.

He threw himself into his father's arms with a smile? Dad laughed and held him high in circles.

When you wake up? His face was full of tears.

Later, he gradually got used to the family life.

But whenever he's not feeling well? Or when he is unhappy, he will still secretly think of his father and be very sad., the fastest update of the webnovel!