You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7141

The little bee does not do much, but the gradual enamel process presents the hierarchical superposition of colors in detail, and the inverted mold process skillfully restores the shape of the little bee. Gold, diamond and enamel set off each other, glittering and full of childlike fun.

Xiaojiang looked at Ye Xingbei eagerly: "Mom, do you like it?"

"I like it! I like it very much!" Ye Xingbei squatted down and kissed him: "baby, where did you get the gift you gave your mother?"

"Bought it!" Xiaojiang said mildly, "I bought it with brother Bing, brother Han and my brother!"

Ye Xingbei asked, "where did you get the money?"

"Brother Han gave it!" Xiaojiang said, "the gift was chosen by my brother and me. The money was given by brother Han. Brother Han said that we should borrow it from them. When we have money in the future, we will give it back to him."

Xiaojiang looked at Ye Xingbei with a small face: "Mom, do my brother and I have money?"

Ye Xingbei: "... Yes, there are many!"

Gu Wuye's son is still a baby, but how can he have no money?

Mr. Gu dotes on his son. He puts a lot of property in the names of several sons every year.

Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie are not big people, but they already have a very considerable asset under their name.

"Wow! That's great!" Xiaojiang said with bright eyes, "Mom, will you help me give the money to brother Han? I owe money to brother Han. I have to pay my debt!"

Ye Xingbei was amused by him and rubbed his little head: "OK, mom, help you pay back the money."

"Use my money to pay off the debt!" Xiaojiang told him uneasily, "the gift I bought with my money is the gift I gave to my mother. I must use my money!"

"Me! Me! And me!" thank you for jumping and raising your hands high.

Ye Xingbei was so amused by the two babies that he took them into his arms and kissed them again and again. "I see! Pay off the debt with the money of Er Bao and San Bao. Thank you. Er Bao and San Bao know they love their mother and give their mother gifts when they are so young!"

"Hmm!" thanks a lot for nodding your head and proudly saying, "my brother and I are the best!"

Xiaojiang said, "my father and brother say that our mother is the hardest. We are all men. We should love my mother and take care of my mother. When I grow up, we should give my mother many best gifts like my father!"

"I! I! I!" thank you for jumping hard. "I want to give it too! Give it a lot!"

He stretched out his two short arms and drew the biggest circle he could.

"OK, I see. There are three treasures!" Ye Xingbei rubbed his little head with a smile. "You're so good. You're really my mother's good baby!"

She hugged her two little babies and kissed them again and again. She didn't like them enough.

They are the most precious gifts God has given her!

Even if they do nothing but simply look at them, she will feel incomparable happiness.

And they don't do nothing. Although they are still young, they will also give back the cleanest and most sincere love to her.

They are her little angels. She is willing to do her best to love them, protect them and give them the best.

The first time she received a gift from Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie, ye Xingbei was excited. When she was about to go to bed at night, she was still excited and talked about it with Gu Junzhu., the fastest update of the webnovel!