You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7140

Carve time.

Seeing xiaoshumiao'er coming back with Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie, ye Xingbei greeted him, wiped the sweat on the foreheads of his two little sons, and asked xiaoshumiao: "Xiaoshu, didn't you go to wenfeifei's house? How did you come back with your brothers?"

Xiaoshumiao smiled and rubbed Xiaoxie's little head. "I just came back from wenfeifei's house and happened to meet my brothers in the yard."

He and Qin Jun were going to wenfeifei's house for a few nights. Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie saw them, and they were also clamoring to go.

Xiaoshumiao children go to wenfeifei's house, not to play and be a guest, but to quarrel and abuse slag. It's inappropriate for children to go.

The young trees coaxed them away from going.

Xiaojiang and Xiaojiang thank you for the grievance on their face. They look pitifully at the young trees. Their mouths are flat. They look like they will cry at any time.

When xiaoshumiao couldn't resist and wanted to compromise, Gu Yuhan and Gu Yubing "stood up" and coaxed Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie away.

Coincidentally, when he came back, Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie happened to come back with Gu Yuhan and Gu Yubing.

After seeing him making out for a while, the two little guys quarreled to find their mother, and he brought them here.

"Mom, mom!" Xiaojiang grabbed Ye Xingbei's hand, his excited little face turned red, his big black eyes were shining, and looked at Ye Xingbei, "Mom, I'll tell you a secret! I'll give you a gift!"

For fear of falling behind, Xiao Xie said anxiously, "I have, I have! I also want to give my mother a gift!"

"Really?" Ye Xingbei jokingly touched their little faces and grabbed one in one hand. "Mom will take you to wash your face first. Look at the sweat on your face. You're going to be a little cat."

"Little flower cat?" little thank you for opening your eyes in surprise: "Mom, how do you know I have a little flower cat? I have a little flower cat! What a beautiful little flower cat!"

Ye Xingbei: "... Do you have a kitten? Where is it?"

"Here, here!" small thank you took out a small red brocade bag from his small pocket.

With a mysterious look on his face, he handed the small brocade bag to Ye Xingbei: "the little flower cat is in here!"

Ye Xingbei: "

This little cat is too small, isn't it?

Most of the small brocade bags don't even have palms. What kind of cat can they hold?

Ye Xingbei took the brocade bag, pulled away the drawstring and shook. A necklace fell out of the brocade bag.

The pendant of the necklace is in the shape of a cat. The cat's head and tail are bent together to form a circle. The middle of the circle is hollow. In the middle of the cat's body, there is a red gem inlaid. The part of the eyes is a shiny diamond.

In addition to the cat shaped pendant, the chain also wears a round pearl.

The white pearl and Mei golden cat are exquisite and lovely.

Little thank you said proudly, "Mom, this is a gift I gave you. Do you like it?"

Dad often gives his mother gifts. It's the first time he gives his mother gifts!

He's great!

"I also have, I also have!" Xiaojiang also took out a brocade bag from his small pocket and happily stuffed the small brocade bag into Ye Xingbei's hand.

Xiaojiang's small brocade bag also contains a necklace. The pendant of the necklace is a little bee.

The little bee is lifelike. The main body is golden yellow, and the wings are blue enamel. A shiny diamond is embedded in the middle of the bee body. The peak tail is made into a round black like a real bee.


PS: this weekend, after a long day, I wrote 1000 words. Let's make do. It's still four watch tomorrow. I love you, Moda ~, the fastest update of the webnovel!