You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7125

So many people came to report to him today. Everyone qualified to enter his office basically came all over.

Chi Zhan enjoys it and is totally indulgent.

Let these people in the company have a good look at his wife how pure, refined, elegant and beautiful. Let those women who covet him know more about themselves and stay away from him in the future!

With Yue ya'er, the day passed quickly.

Late exhibition left the company with Yue Yaer ten minutes in advance and returned home happily.

As soon as he got home, the housekeeper greeted him and saluted them: "young master, young lady, the fifth master's wife sent someone to say, please go there after the young lady comes back."

"Hmm?" Yue ya'er asked, "when did Beibei send someone?"

The housekeeper said, "about an hour ago."

"OK," Yue ya'er nodded, "I see."

She asked Ye Xingbei for leave before she went to the company.

Ye Xingbei didn't call her, but sent someone to say that he didn't want to disturb her.

She asked Chi Zhan to wait at home. She came to carving time.

Ye Xingbei and Gu Junzhu don't know what to say in the living room. Ye Xingbei's face is a little ugly.

Yue ya'er thought it was really strange.

Gu Wuye held Ye Xingbei in the palm of his hand. He was really afraid of falling and melting.

Ye Xingbei, who is with Mr. Gu, is always smiling. He doesn't look well today. What's the matter?

When Gu Jun saw her coming, he greeted her and avoided her.

Only she and ye Xingbei are left in the living room.

She sat down beside Ye Xingbei. "What's the matter? Why is her face so bad?"

Ye Xingbei was a little hard to say. After a while, he came to her ear and said, "Gu Junzhu had a ligation."

Yue Yaer: "

She can only sigh that Gu Wuye is a good man!

Men's ligation surgery suffers less damage than women's ligation surgery. This knowledge has been publicized for many years, but it has little effect.

Most men are male chauvinist. They think ligation is a woman's thing. How can a man do this?

Few men are willing to ligate.

As Gu Wuye, she was willing to ligate, which was beyond her expectation.

She sighed and said, "whenever I think Mr. Gu is good enough, he can be better! Beibei, how many good things did you do in your last life, so that you can accumulate such a great blessing in this life and meet such a good man as Mr. Gu."

"Yes, I think so too," said Ye Xingbei with some worry. "I know he did it for my body. I'm very moved, but I'm a little worried about him..."

She held Yue ya'er's hand: "ya'er, what should a man pay attention to after ligation, do you know?"

She couldn't believe the online Baidu. Gu Qingrun was a big man. She was embarrassed to ask Gu Qingrun, so she had to ask Yue ya'er.

"Don't worry, men's ligation is much less harmful than women." Yue ya'er comforted her and told her the precautions.

Ye Xingbei carefully wrote it down and listened painfully, "is there any risk of infection?"

Although Yue Yaer has always said that men's ligation is less harmful than women's ligation, he has always had a small operation and the risk of infection.

She's so distressed.

What kind of ligation?

Be more careful in the future. Don't be careless. Just take precautions every time?, the fastest update of the webnovel!