You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7124

"Nothing," Yue ya'er said. "I'm bored at home. Come and see you."

"Good!" Chi Zhan said eagerly, "you should come to see me more in the future, so that those flirtatious bitches outside won't covet your husband!"

Yue ya'er smiled and nodded, "well, it makes sense."

Chi Mo sent a glass of juice, withdrew and closed the door outside considerately.

Chi Zhan immediately hugged Yue ya'er, "ya'er, you saw it, didn't you? I'm innocent!"

Yue ya'er smiled and nodded, "yes!"

She put her arms around Chi Zhan's neck and kissed him. "This is a reward."

The boss of the company opened a live broadcast for her in the office in order to prove her innocence.

It's too late for the second young master to do such a fresh and refined thing.

Chi Zhan immediately beamed with joy.

He was afraid that Yue Yaer couldn't help doubting him and buried a thorn in his heart.

His live broadcast today is enough to prove his innocence. This matter will disappear. Yue ya'er will never take this matter to heart again in the future.

Yue ya'er is here. He can't do any business at all. He always wants to be tired of Yue ya'er.

Yue ya'er pushed him behind his desk. "Work well, finish early, and we'll go home early."

"What about you?" Chi Zhan looked at her reluctantly.

Yue Yaer seldom comes to the company to accompany him.

Just changed a place, he felt different from usual.

Probably because this is his territory and he is the boss here. He feels that he is in the dominant position and should take good care of Yue ya'er.

He doesn't want to work at all. He just wants to accompany Yue ya'er and fall in love with Yue ya'er.

"I'm here with you," Yue ya'er pointed to the sofa opposite his desk. "I'll read for a while."

Yue Yaer picked up the parenting book on his desk.

Young master Chi er's action was really rapid. As soon as she found out that she was pregnant, young master Chi Er put a parenting book on his desk.

Worth the reward!

She smiled and kissed Chi Zhan's lips, "good!"

Looking at her intoxicating smile, Chi zhanhuner lost half and was pushed by her to sit in the office chair.

Yue Yaer leaned over and kissed him again. He took the book and came to the sofa, drinking juice and reading parenting books.

I have to look up at her every few minutes. I feel very satisfied.

He couldn't help saying, "ya'er, will you come to work with me like this? I'm very happy that you accompany me like this."

"Rare things are precious," Yue ya'er said with a smile. "If I come to accompany you every day, you won't feel so fresh."

"No!" Chi Zhan said firmly, "even if you accompany me 24 hours, I will always feel as fresh as I just met you!"

"But I can't be with you for 24 hours," Yue ya'er said with a smile. "I'm a family doctor. It's OK to come out once in a while. You think it's OK to skip work every day?"

Chi Zhan: "

He didn't have the courage to ask Yue Yaer to resign.

Not to mention the contract signed by Yue ya'er and the Gu family, he can't resign at all. Just saying that the Gu family has great kindness to their late family, he can't cross the river and tear down the bridge.

"Well," he could only comfort himself, "you're right. It's fresher once in a while."

Yue ya'er smiled: "good!"

Chi Zhan's ears were red and he bowed his head to pretend to be busy with his work.

Being coaxed "good" by his wife is a little shameful, but it feels very sweet!

Chi Zhan is still busy. After working for a while, he looks up at Yue ya'er. From time to time, someone comes in to report to him. No matter who comes, he will always introduce Yue ya'er to others: "my wife.", the fastest update of the webnovel!