You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7122

She is excellent in all aspects. Just because of her ordinary background, she can't get in touch with excellent men.

She can't accept such an excellent herself. She can only marry an ordinary man and live an ordinary life.

She wants to break the class restrictions on her, marry a rich and powerful man and change her fate.

Chi Zhan is the only rich and powerful man she has access to, so she wants to marry Chi Zhan.

However, she can't steal chicken and eat rice. She not only failed to make Chi Zhan like her, but also lost her job and was ridiculed by these ordinary women.

She hates Chi Zhan's eyes and his wife. Why is she so lucky?

If she comes from a famous family like Chi Zhan's wife, with her conditions, she can certainly marry a better man than Chi Zhan!

Her jealous eyes were red, but she couldn't help it.

She doesn't even know what Chi Zhan's wife looks like.

She was stabbed in her mind by late exhibition and was dismissed. It's sad enough. These villains in her department who can't see her well have to fall into the well.

Anyway, she had been dismissed and was not afraid of anything. She suddenly broke out, rushed at the colleague who mocked her, slapped the girl in the face, "you spread rumors and slander, slander my reputation, and I'll tear your mouth!"

Fighting in the company is punishable.

She has gone through the resignation procedures and is not afraid of anything. She will not make her feel better for this cheap woman!

Ren Xue got a heavy slap and his ears were buzzing.

When she recovered, she slapped back and fought with Shen Hua.

The Department Manager roared angrily, "what are you two doing? Don't fight!"

No one paid attention to her.

Ren Xue and Shen Hua grabbed my hair and I slapped you in the face like two shrews.

The Department Manager trembled angrily and told the people watching the play: "what are you doing? Don't separate them quickly!"

Several employees gathered around the theatre to persuade them to fight.

It's not that they all have bad character and can't see people well. The main reason is that Shen Hua and Ren Xue can't be people. They are the most popular people in their department.

Shen Hua is beautiful. Seeing a man is like a bee seeing honey. It's sweet and whiny. It's disgusting to see it.

Ren snowman is not bad, but she has a sharp mouth and unforgiving words. People in the Department have been offended by her for a long time.

Neither of them is pleasant. No one in the Department likes them.

The two dogs bite the dog. The people in the department just watch a good play, and no one really quarrels.

The department manager pulled it twice and didn't pull it open. She was almost scratched on her face by Shen Hua's fingernails. She was scared to step back for several steps. Her back waist hit the table and she inhaled in pain.

They were playing happily. Suddenly, an ethereal and sweet voice sounded at the door: "Chi tezhu, when did your company turn into a vegetable market?"

Chi Mo looked embarrassed and shouted angrily at the room: "what are you doing? When this is a vegetable market? If you don't want to do it, get out!"

All the employees knew Chi Mo, the president's special help. Without the command of the Department Manager, the employees in the room rushed up and separated Shen Hua and Ren Xue.

Chi Mo escorted Yue ya'er into the room and lowered his head to remind Yue ya'er: "madam, be careful under your feet."

On the ground, Shen Hua and Ren Xue threw things all over the ground., the fastest update of the webnovel!