You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7121

"I......" she hesitated and could not speak.

In any case, she didn't expect that the boss of a listed company in Chi Zhan was so idle that she asked her department head for such a small matter.

"Now I tell you that you have been dismissed. Is there a problem?" Chi Zhan's eyes were cold and sneered.

Shen Hua couldn't help it any longer. Big tears trickled down: "no... no problem..."

She was so ashamed that she wanted to dig a seam into it.

I knew she had just taken the initiative to admit her mistake.

If she had just taken the initiative to admit her mistake, at least she and Chi Zhan were the only ones in the room. When she left the office, people outside didn't know what had happened.

But now, Chi Zhan called the Department Manager and asked him if he knew he had a wife in front of the Department Manager.

Now, the Department Manager must know what the problem is.

What a shame!

Chi Zhan coldly ordered the Department Manager: "take her to go through the resignation formalities and let her go immediately!"

"Yes, Mr. Chi." the Department Manager bent slightly and looked at Shen Hua.

Shen Hua's head hung low and shameless.

Chi Zhan said, "go out!"

The Department Manager bent down again and left Chi Zhan's office with Shen Hua.

She took Shen Hua through the resignation formalities, returned to their department with Shen Hua and said to Shen Hua, "pack up your things."

Shen Hua bowed his head to pack his things, and no one dared to look.

Colleagues gathered around and asked the Department Manager, "manager, what's the matter?"

The department manager said faintly, "Shen Hua was dismissed."

"Dismissed?" someone asked in surprise, "why?"

"Why else?" a colleague who couldn't get used to Shen Hua said gloatingly, "it must be his intention to seduce the boss. The boss's wife found out! Just now the boss's special help asked her to go to the boss's office. She looked elated. Now, stealing chicken can't eat rice."

"What are you talking about?" Shen Hua, full of anger, fiercely threw some books in his hand on the table.

"Why am I talking nonsense?" the colleague looked at Shen Hua contemptuously and said, "everyone is a woman. Women know women best. Don't pretend in front of us!

You deliberately bumped into the boss the day before yesterday. Do you think we can't see it?

The corridor is so wide that you don't bump anywhere. You have to bump into our boss's arms. What's your mind? Who doesn't understand? "

"You nonsense, I didn't, I didn't mean it!" Shen Hua said angrily, "I'm just careless."

"You just accidentally bumped into the boss's arms and the boss dismissed you?" the colleague sneered: "do you think we will believe it? The boss's wife must have found out that you want to seduce the boss, and the boss will dismiss you!"

Shen Hua roared angrily, "you're talking nonsense. It's not like this at all!"

However, the fact made her more angry than the colleague said.

If she was discovered by the boss's wife that she wanted to seduce the boss and was dismissed, she also admitted that she was not smart enough to be discovered by the boss's wife?

However, this is not the case!

The fact is, she didn't see whether the boss's wife was round or flat. She was dismissed by the boss!

Chi Zhan is the best man she has ever seen, rich, powerful and handsome, but such a good man is not hers, but belongs to another woman. He is also determined to another woman.

Just think of this and she'll be jealous!, the fastest update of the webnovel!