You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7117

His wife's life shouldn't be like this.

He held Ye Xingbei and made up his mind: "this is the last child. We won't give birth to anything in the future!"

He's going to have sterilization tomorrow!

After sterilization, there will be no more "fish in the net".

But he didn't Tell ye Xingbei about this decision.

Although doctors say that male sterilization is less harmful than female sterilization, it is still the mainstream for women to do sterilization, and few men do sterilization.

If he told ye Xingbei, ye Xingbei might object.

There's nothing to discuss. He'll just do it tomorrow!

"What are you talking about?" Ye Xingbei said speechless, "the baby called me mother when he was born. It's not your child alone. What are you saying? I'm sorry? And I like the baby very much, especially!"

The key is to be able to afford it.

If she can't afford it, she doesn't dare to have so many children. Adults suffer and children suffer.

The family has good conditions and can afford it. A group of people turn around their mother and son and take care of them. She is happy every day.

If she wasn't worried that getting pregnant too often would be bad for her health, she would have no problem giving birth to more.

Seeing Gu Junzhu unhappy, she grabbed Gu Junzhu's hand and put it on her lower abdomen. "Feel it, this baby may be a little princess! According to your probability, this baby should be a little princess! Are you unhappy?"

"Happy! Of course!" Gu Junzhu said, "I'm just worried about your body..."

Ye Xingbei was warm in his heart and gently hugged him: "it's okay. I'm fine. There's a cliff. What are you worried about?"

She smoothed Gu Jun's slightly frowned eyebrows, "you can't frown! When you gave birth to Xiaojiang and them, you're almost jumping up. If you're pregnant with this baby, the baby in your stomach will be unhappy."

Gu Jun stroked her belly one by one, "of course I like our baby."

Ye Xingbei looked at him and said he liked it, but there was not much happy expression on his face. He couldn't help sighing: "I now know why many families clearly have children with the same father and mother. Some children are particularly unpopular and disliked by their parents. If this baby was still a son, he wouldn't be despised by you?"

"Of course not!" Gu Junzhu firmly denied, "I'm just worried about your body. I can't slow down for a moment. How can I dislike him?"

Moreover, no matter how many sons he and ye Xingbei have, they are his father's sweetheart.

If he dares to dislike his son, his father will be the first to deal with him!

"Be happy!" Ye Xingbei rubbed his face. "It's silly to know that I'm pregnant twice before. This time, there's no smile on my face. If the baby knows you don't welcome him so much, he'll be unhappy."

Gu Junzhu: "

He felt that the child came too fast and worried that he would give birth too often and hurt Ye Xingbei's body, but he would never dislike his child because of this.

To dislike is to dislike himself.

Mingming has a lot of concentration in other things, but that thing is always a fluke. If he didn't take measures once or twice, ye Xingbei became pregnant again.

"Don't worry, I'm blaming myself. I can't blame anyone on our baby," Gu Jun kissed her hand and stroked her lower abdomen: "no matter how many, they are my flesh and blood and my favorite baby.", the fastest update of the webnovel!