You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7116

Pregnant again?

Looking at the two bars on the pregnancy test stick, she couldn't come back for a long time.

After a while, she washed her hands and came out of the bathroom.

When she found Yue Yaer, she was half happy and half sad: "two bars."

"Really pregnant?" Yue ya'er was also mixed: "you and the fifth master are too careless. It's bad for your health to have children so often."

Ye Xingbei looked helpless, "we have basically taken preventive measures, and there are few times we haven't done it."

Who would have thought that she was caught in this way?

Agreed, she's not easy to get pregnant?

Seeing that ye Xingbei was not particularly happy and excited, Yue Yaer comforted her: "it's OK. Although the little fish and youYou are only more than one year old, your body is very good. There should be no problem, but this baby was born. You and the fifth master must have a snack. You can't get pregnant so soon."

Ye Xingbei's body conditioning is good, food, drink, housing and transportation are the best, and her professional doctor helps her regulate her body. It's not a big problem to conceive this baby.

"Uh huh," Ye Xingbei nodded, "I'll pay attention in the future."

She touched her belly and felt happy later. "This time, it's time to have a daughter?"

According to Gu Wuye's probability theory, this baby should be a daughter anyway.

Yue ya'er smiled and said, "I think so, too. Did you tell the fifth master?"

"Not yet," Ye Xingbei said. "Maybe there are too many children. I don't feel as excited as the first two pregnancies. Wait until he comes back."

No wonder people say that rare things are more expensive.

Not counting xiaoshumiao, she felt a little numb when she was pregnant with her third child. She didn't have the excitement and surprise when she was pregnant with her first two children.

However, last time she got pregnant with her second sister-in-law, this time she got pregnant with Yue ya'er, which is very good. You can exchange your pregnancy experience.

She and Yue Yaer soon talked about parenting.

In the evening, Gu Jun came back one by one.

After dinner, ye Xingbei told him, "I'm pregnant."

Gu Jun was stunned and doubted that he had heard wrong, "what?"

Ye Xingbei said again: "I'm pregnant, ya'er is also pregnant, and our due date is about the same."

Gu Junzhu: "

Who cares if Yue ya'er is pregnant?

The point is, his wife is pregnant again!?

His first reaction was: "is it bad for your health to get pregnant so often?"

He frowned: "Why are you pregnant again?"

The two of them have paid great attention. There are few times when they don't take precautions. According to probability, ye Xingbei shouldn't be pregnant.

"It's all right," Ye Xingbei comforted him. "Ya'er said that my food, drink, housing and transportation are the best. I'm in good health. The little fish and swimming are more than one year old. It's no problem."

Gu Jun took her to the sofa and sat down. He looked at her carefully: "do you feel uncomfortable?"

Ye Xingbei was amused by him. "If ya'er's pregnancy didn't remind me that my period of menstruation expired, I don't know I'm pregnant. What's wrong with me?"

Gu Junzhu hugged her, "Beibei... Sorry..."

She is still so young. After she married him, she did nothing else and has been pregnant and having children.

Although they both like babies very much, ye Xingbei's life has always revolved around pregnancy and childbirth so often that they can't do anything., the fastest update of the webnovel!