You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7114

"No, your business is no small matter to me!" Chi Zhan said to Yue ya'er seriously: "I started the company to make money to support my family and let you live a better life. In that case, of course, I can't ignore the basics and delay your business for the company. Anything you do is a big thing to me!"

Yue ya'er smiled again.

Come, come, such natural sweet words come again!

The key is that she especially eats this set!

She kissed Chi Zhan's lip flap: "OK! Let's get up and have dinner first. After dinner, I'll tell you what to do."

"OK." Chi Zhan was in high spirits.

He is not afraid that his wife will let him do things. He is afraid that his wife will ignore him like last night!

As long as his wife likes him as before, he can do anything!

After breakfast, Yue ya'er came to Chi Zhan's ear and whispered, "go and buy some pregnancy test sticks."

Chi Zhan: "

He stared round and didn't react for a moment.

After a while, his eyes looked at Yue ya'er's belly, "ya'er, you..."

Yue ya'er said, "my holiday this month has been delayed for two days. My holiday is always accurate, so I doubt whether I am pregnant. Go and buy some pregnancy test sticks and I'll try."

Chi Zhan stayed for a while and jumped up from the stool, "I'll go right away!"

He swished and ran out.

Although he and Yue ya'er have agreed not to have children for the time being and have a more two person world for a while, that doesn't mean he doesn't like children.

He loves children, especially the children he had with Yue ya'er!

Every time I see several babies of Gu Wuye's family, I think Yue Yaer will give him some such lovely babies in the future. His heart is very hot.

However, once he talked with Yue ya'er about having a baby. Yue ya'er said she wanted to have a baby next year, so he said it according to Yue ya'er's meaning.

Yue ya'er is pregnant in October. Yue ya'er is even harder after the baby is born. He can't ignore Yue ya'er's wishes for his own preferences.

Moreover, the world of two people who have been with Yue ya'er for a long time is really good, and he likes it very much.

However, if Yue ya'er is pregnant, it will be better!

If Yue ya'er is pregnant, it will be a great wedding!

Without a moment's delay, he went to the nearby drugstore and bought some pregnancy test sticks.

Yue ya'er went to the bathroom with a pregnancy test stick. He waited outside anxiously, so anxious that he turned around.

A few minutes later, Yue ya'er came out. He looked at Yue ya'er nervously and rushed to hug her: "wife, how's it going?"

Yue ya'er held his face. "You didn't come in vain. You're going to be a father."

Chi Zhan stared at Yue ya'er for a long time, recovered, suddenly picked up Yue ya'er and turned around, shouting like crazy: "I'm going to be a father! I'm going to be a father!"

The smile on his face was brighter than the sun, showing snow-white teeth, narrowed his eyes into a slit, and smiled like a fool.

Yue ya'er looked down at him with a smile and felt that fate was wonderful - she fell in love with a fool!

And love very much.

Seeing him so stupid, she didn't think he was stupid. She felt very sweet and happy.

The world is really wonderful!

Chi Zhan is crazy enough and can't wait to call his parents, big brother, sister-in-law and sister-in-law to report the good news.

Of course, the Chi family was very happy and told him to take good care of Yue ya'er and her baby., the fastest update of the webnovel!