You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7113

He wrongly told Yue ya'er the dream he had last night, "I really didn't mean it! I love you in the dream as much as I do in reality. I just accidentally got drunk and climbed into bed by a woman, so you won't forgive me!"

He was too anxious to wake up.

When I woke up, my heart pounded and my head was sweating.

He slowed down for a while and separated the dream from the reality. When he saw that Yue ya'er was still sleeping beside him, his heart became more and more secure.

He hugged Yue ya'er and was glad that last night was just a dream.

What if it's true?

Yue ya'er thought for a moment and kissed him, "if you are not intentional, but calculated, I will forgive you."

She comforted and rubbed Chi Zhan's head, "although I may feel uncomfortable for a while, I won't blame you. As long as your heart is still with me, you are just calculated by other women, and I will forgive you."

"That's good!" Chi Zhan breathed a sigh of relief, rubbed his head in Yue ya'er's arms, and said uneasily, "I know I'm not as smart as my eldest brother. Sometimes I'm stupid. I'm really afraid if I'm accidentally calculated by a woman one day, what can I do if you don't forgive me all your life?"

Yue ya'er was amused by him and rubbed his hair. "Where are you stupid? You are also a young talent in the eyes of others, okay?"

Stupid is not stupid. It's just that it's a little stupid many times, like a middle school sophomore.

Maybe many girls don't like this one and prefer the domineering president, but she happens to like the late show.

However, to be fair, Chi Zhan is also very domineering outside. She just doesn't bother to use her brain in front of her family and her.

Outside, he was very smart when he refreshed himself.

"With your words, I feel more secure," Chi Zhan hugged her and said, "I certainly won't take the initiative to betray you, but the tiger still takes a nap. If I am accidentally defiled by other women one day, you must forgive me. You can beat me, scold me and punish me, how to get angry, but you can't leave me!"

Yue ya'er puffed and was amused by him.

And defiled!

Young master Chi Er regarded himself as the eldest daughter of yellow flower!

"OK!" she kissed Chi Zhan for a moment and gently replied, "as long as you don't mean it, I'll certainly forgive you."

"Ya'er, why are you so good?" Chi Zhan hugged her hard, and her voice was a floating dream. "It's the greatest luck of my life that you like me so well!"

Yue ya'er was amused by him again and hugged him: "you're fine, too!"

If she hadn't met the foolish and a little late second young master, she might not get married and start a family in her life.

Chi Zhan always said she was his goddess, but she didn't tell Chi Zhan that he was her salvation.

She kissed the silly man again. "Are you busy today? Are you in a hurry to go to the company?"

Chi zhanlian hurriedly asked, "wife, are you busy? If you are busy, of course, your business comes first!"

Yue ya'er's smile was brighter.

Although the man was silly, he opened his mouth with sweet words.


It seems that he is not too stupid.

"My business is not important, it's just a small thing," Yue ya'er said. "If your company doesn't have anything important, you can do me a small favor. If there's something important, I can go by myself.", the fastest update of the webnovel!