You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7105

Sheng Yuanxi gets the love of Dongfang Zetang. Instead of trying to please him, Dongfang Zetang flatters Sheng Yuanxi.

Sheng Yuanxi's love is the real love. The love she gets is just an exchange of equal value.

She lost.

Lost in a mess.

She hates me.

She thinks her uncle is a fool.

Sheng Yuanxi has no blood relationship with her uncle. She is his uncle's niece, but her uncle wants to send her abroad because of a stepdaughter who has no blood relationship with him.

The more she thought about it, the more unwilling she was. She found Dongfang chenjiu again and cried, "I know I'm wrong, uncle. I really know I'm wrong. Please give me another chance. This time I will get along well with Sheng Yuanxi, and I won't rob Sheng Xike with her. Please don't send me out of the country."

"Xueyi, don't be so wronged," Dongfang chenjiu frowned and said, "I told you very clearly that you can also choose not to go abroad. Whether you go abroad depends on your own choice. You don't have to go abroad."

"But uncle, you said, if I don't go abroad, you won't care about me in the future," Dongfang Xueyi cried with tears on her face. "What choice do I have?"

"I have no responsibility to take care of you," Dongfang chenjiu said lightly. "I'm just your uncle, not your father. Even if you follow my arrangement and go abroad, what I can give you is very limited. Therefore, if you really exclude going abroad, you can stay."

"But I'm your own niece!" Dongfang Xueyi said reluctantly, "uncle, we are connected by blood, but Sheng Yuanxi has no blood relationship with you. Why would you rather love her than me?"

"Pity is not my own daughter, but your aunt's own daughter," Dongfang chenjiu said. "If she can make your aunt happy, I will love her."

Dongfang Xueyi really wanted to roar at him: are you stupid?

Your wife has been sleeping before she has children with other men!

When you see your wife's children with other men, don't you think of how your wife looks when she is sleeping with other men?

Don't you have a diaphragm in your heart?

She really wanted to question Dongfang chenjiu like this, but she knew that if she did, no matter what feelings Dongfang chenjiu had for Sheng Yuanxi, Dongfang chenjiu would hate her and would not want to see her again in the future.

Her glory, wealth and honor are counting on the charity of Dongfang chenjiu. She dare not offend Dongfang chenjiu.

Therefore, she did not dare to say all the words in her heart, but begged bitterly.

She really didn't want to go abroad, so she knelt at the foot of Dongfang chenjiu and cried bitterly: "uncle, I know I was wrong. I really know I was wrong. Who doesn't make mistakes in life? Please forgive me this time. I really don't dare in the future. Please give me another chance."

If Dongfang chenjiu is a soft hearted person, he will not be able to lay down the foundation of Dongfang family.

Dongfang Xueyi cried pitifully, but he was not moved at all.

Everyone should be responsible for what he does.

Although Dongfang Xueyi is crying pitifully now, what she did at the beginning is very disgusting.

Dongfang Xueyi is only his niece, so he suggested that his brother send Dongfang Xueyi abroad. If Dongfang Xueyi is his own daughter and Dongfang Xueyi dares to do that kind of thing, he will discount Dongfang Xueyi's legs., the fastest update of the webnovel!