You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7104

Finally, there was the news of his own daughter. Shu Ning was very excited and wanted to see Sheng Yuanxi immediately.

Sheng Xique asks her to wait. He wants to make things clear with Sheng Yuanxi first, and then bring Sheng Yuanxi to visit.

Shu Ning couldn't wait. She wanted to recognize Sheng Yuanxi's mother and daughter immediately. It was Dongfang Chen who advised her for a long time before she agreed to wait.

After returning to Sheng's house, Sheng Xike and Sheng Xicheng found Sheng Yuanxi and told her her about her life experience.

As Sheng Xike said, which child doesn't want to know who his biological parents are?

Sheng Yuanxi was very excited to learn that Sheng Xike helped her find her biological mother.

Sheng Xike told everyone in Sheng's family about it again, especially his grandfather and his parents.

For his grandfather, this is a good thing. The Sheng family and Dongfang family were only general friends at first. In the future, with the relationship of Sheng Yuanxi, the relationship between the Sheng family and Dongfang family will become intimate.

Although Dongfang family doesn't have a deep foundation, it's better to have more friends than enemies.

His father is also happy for Sheng Yuan. Only his mother has a delicate mind and is more sad than happy.

The daughter raised by herself finds her biological mother, and her adoptive mother will stand back.

Sheng Yuanxi is also a sensitive and careful person. Aware of her sadness, he hugged her and said, "mother, even if I found my biological mother, her position in my mind can never be compared with you. Living kindness is not as good as raising kindness. You raised me. In my mind, you and dad are the most important people for me."

Sheng's mother was laughed at by her and pinched her cheek. "Your mouth is the sweetest. Don't say that to your mother."

"If she asks, I won't lie to her. I can only tell her," Sheng Yuanxi said holding Sheng's mother. "No matter who asks me, it's true."

Sheng Yuanxi is so considerate that Sheng's mother is more comfortable at last.

Sheng Xike and Dongfang Chen made an appointment for a long time. The two families gathered together. Sheng Yuanxi met Shu Ning's mother and daughter.

A few days later, Dongfang chenjiu held a grand welcome dance for Sheng Yuanxi and announced to the outside world that Sheng Yuanxi was Shu Ning's own daughter.

Shu Ning cherishes her lost daughter and wants to take her with him 24 hours a day.

Over the years, she has been very happy. The only worry is that her biological daughter has been lost.

Now, her only regret has been healed. She will no longer think of her missing daughter when she is happiest and happiest.

She has no regrets in her life.

Because he found Sheng Yuanxi, Shu Ning smiled happily every day. The heartfelt smile no longer had a trace of regret and haze.

Dongfang Chuanyang and Dongfang Zetang are filial sons. Finding Sheng Yuanxi makes their mother so happy. Sheng Yuanxi's position in their mind becomes very important.

Both brothers are very good to Sheng Yuanxi.

Especially Dongfang Zetang, because he helped Dongfang Xueyi, he was afraid that Sheng Yuanxi would hate him and settle accounts with him. He was especially good to Sheng Yuanxi. It was almost described as "hospitality".

Finally, Dongfang Xueyi, who couldn't beat Dongfang Chen for a long time and was about to go abroad, saw that Dongfang Zetang almost seemed to please Sheng Yuanxi, and his hate teeth were about to break.

She always thought that Dongfang Zetang loved her.

Until she saw Dongfang Zetang getting along with Sheng Yuanxi, she knew that she had been loved by Dongfang Zetang because she flattered Dongfang Zetang., the fastest update of the webnovel!