You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7029

The vice president said to Wang Qi, "give me the contact information of Yang moye's father."

It's not that he despises women, but that he has dealt with many students' parents. It's true that students' fathers are more reasonable and their mothers are more reckless.

He is not saying that he discriminates against women. He can only say that when dealing with children, the father's nerves are relatively thicker and easier to communicate, and the mother's love for children is deeper than the father's love for children, which is easy to lose his mind.

Men and women have their own advantages. The advantages of men are thick nerves, broad-minded and easy to communicate.

The advantage of women is that they have delicate feelings, care more about their families and love their children than men.

In that case, of course, he should choose a good communicator to communicate.

Moreover, Wang Qi has contacted Yang moye's mother.

As Nie Yan police's parents said, Yang moye's mother neither called Nie Yan police's parents to apologize, nor sent someone to have a look.

It can be seen that Yang moye's mother is not a sensible person.

In that case, he had to communicate with Yang moye's father.

The mobile phone was quickly connected. The vice president said the story again: "Mr. Yang, no one in your family stood up to deal with this matter. Mrs. Gu was very angry and wanted to call the police. I persuaded him. Did Mr. Yang want to be private or call the police?"

Yang moye's father was about to come down in a cold sweat and said, "it's private! It's private! Of course it's private! But I'm out of town and can't go back. I'll let my wife deal with it right away!"

"Your wife?" the vice president was stunned. "Isn't your wife also on business?"

Yang Jingxiong is more ignorant than him. "My wife is on a business trip? My wife is a full-time wife. She doesn't have a job and doesn't have to go on a business trip."

Vice President: "... Oh, that may be my mistake. Your wife may have traveled abroad? Your son's head teacher contacted your wife at the first time of the accident. Your wife said that you and she were in other places and couldn't deal with it at school."

Yang Jingxiong didn't say anything for a long time. After a long time, he said, "I'll ask my father to come over! Please help me say a few good words in front of Mrs. Gu. I'll ask my father to come over right away!"

When the vice president agreed, he hung up his cell phone and immediately called his father to ask him to go to the hospital to deal with the matter.

When his father should come down and he ends the call, call his wife.

When the mobile phone was connected, he asked, "where did you travel?"

Zhang Huanhuan said inexplicably, "where did I travel? I'm at home."

"You're at home?" Yang Jingxiong said with a livid face. "Since you're at home, your son's head teacher contacted you and said that his son had made trouble at school. Let you hurry to deal with it. Why do you say you're out of town?"

"My son is crying. I'm comforting him," Zhang Huanhuan said discontentedly. "Moreover, it's not our son's fault. It's the other party's fault. It's the other party's first hand! Our son didn't mean to push him. He was unlucky and hit his back against the corner of the table. What's the matter with our son?"

Yang Jingxiong's face was livid with anger. "Whether it's about our son or not, you must be there to deal with it. Who's right and who's wrong? Can't you make it clear face to face?"

"What's there to say?" Zhang Huanhuan said, "the other party is angry. I'm sure to quarrel when I go. When things come to an end, won't we lose some money?", the fastest update of the webnovel!