You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7028

"Just a little friction?" Ling Yue's cold eyes suddenly became sharp. "The little policeman almost couldn't walk. Mr. Wang thought it was just a little friction?"

"I don't mean that," Wang Qi said with some embarrassment. "The doctor said that Nie Yanjing's symptoms are only transient, and won't leave any sequelae..."

She didn't want to call the police in xiyexingbei.

If an alarm event occurs in her class, it will affect her year-end bonus and promotion evaluation, and directly affect her income and future.

Moreover, she really felt that since Nie Yan had recovered and would not leave sequelae, it was just a small matter and there was no need to call the police.

There are so many children in every school, and friction occurs almost every day.

If every parent and child chooses to call the police, the school can't deal with these trivial matters alone. How can we teach?

Ye Xingbei said, "maybe Mr. Wang thinks that the symptoms of the little policeman are transient and have no sequelae. Today's thing is a small thing that can be laughed off. But for me, my children have been seriously traumatized both physically and psychologically. This is a big thing!

If the other party makes a positive apology, as long as the other party's attitude is satisfactory to us, we can be private, but the other party doesn't even show his face, so insincere, we have to call the police. At that time, the police's judgment is how, fair and just, and no one needs to be embarrassed. "

"Mrs. Gu, please calm down," a vice principal came over and said kindly, "I also think that the parents of Yang moye didn't handle this matter well today. I'll contact the parents of Yang moye and communicate with them to hear what they mean. Mrs. Gu will decide whether to call the police. Do you think that's ok?"

Another school leader also said: "Mrs. Gu, in our eyes, these students are really teenagers. Yang moye pushed Nie Yanjing on the corner of the table and hurt Nie Yanjing. It's really wrong, but he certainly didn't mean it. As long as Yang moye and his parents sincerely apologize, we'll give Yang moye another chance. What do you say?"

Ye Xingbei nodded: "yes."

She doesn't have to call the police to tell Yang moye what to do.

Although Nie Yan can walk now and is not seriously injured, the situation today is still very serious. As long as she calls the police, Yang moye will certainly be detained for education.

If she is a child of their family, even if she is detained for education for a few days, she will be distressed.

Anyway, Yang moye is just a teenager, and ye Xingbei doesn't want to do everything.

As long as Yang moye and his parents sincerely apologize, she can accept their apology.

The vice principal listened to Ye Xingbei and asked Wang Qi, "do you have the contact information of Yang moye's parents?"

"Yes," Wang Qi nodded, "I have the contact information of his parents."

The vice president asked, "who did you contact after the accident?"

Wang Qi said, "I contacted Yang moye's mother."

Usually when students need to contact their parents for anything at school, they are teachers who contact the student's mother.

Because most of the children in charge at home are student mothers. The student fathers are busy with work, such as attending the student parents' meeting. More than 95% of the people who come to attend are student mothers., the fastest update of the webnovel!