You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7018

"Xiao Shuang?" Yuan CE had not seen Ding Shuang for a long time. He was surprised and excited to see Ding Shuang come out to see him.

He took a few steps forward excitedly, stared at Ding Shuang, and dared not blink. He was deeply afraid that Ding Shuang in front of him was just his illusion. As long as he blinked, Ding Shuang would disappear.

Seeing Ding Shuang appear, he burst out a strong light in his originally sad eyes, just like walking in the dark night for a long time, so long that the desperate people saw the light.

Looking at his eyes like that, Ding Shuang's heart softened.

The original policy was very good and good to her.

Even my own brother, that's all.

They are neighbors. They grew up together from childhood. Yuance has always loved and protected her.

When I was a child, at school, some boys liked pranks and bullied her. The original plan rushed up to help her without saying a word.

The original plan is that she never suffered a little injustice in school from primary school to middle school to college.

Young feelings are the cleanest and purest.

She was sure that she had liked the original policy.

It's a pity

She took a deep breath and tried to eliminate the sour feeling from her heart. Looking at the original policy, she said seriously, "don't come to me again in the future. We shouldn't be trapped in the past. We should look forward, forget the past and start over."

The original plan was stunned, and his face turned pale at the speed visible to the naked eye.

He thought that Ding Shuang was finally willing to come out to see him and forgiven him.

Unexpectedly, she came out specially to say to him, put down the past and start over.

Why didn't he want to put down the past and start over?

But he is not a computer, not a machine. Pressing a delete key can completely erase everything in the past and start all over again.

He is a man with memory and feelings.

Ding Shuang is the girl he likes before he knows it. He is also the only girl he likes so far.

They grew up together. She had taken root in his heart and could not be replaced.

If he can, he also wants to forget, he also wants to forgive himself, he also wants to say goodbye to the past and live a happy and natural life.

But he can't.

He can't forget Ding Shuang and their past.

In their youth, they used to ride horses, row boats and go hiking together.

No matter how long it took, he clearly remembered the way she stood under the tree and smiled at him.

The sun shines on her face through the cracks of the leaves. Her smiling eyebrows and eyes bend, her teeth are white, and her smile is brighter than the sun.

Her frowns, smiles, words and deeds are deeply imprinted in his mind.

After she was injured, he woke up in the middle of the night. The scene in his mind was that she was hit and flew out by his car.

He won't forget.

Maybe it will be a nightmare that he can't get rid of all his life.

He clenched his fist, and the pain between his eyebrows and eyes was deeper than before Ding Shuang appeared, "Xiao Shuang... I'm sorry..."

I'm sorry.

He has said these three words countless times.

But no one knows better than him how powerless these three words are.

Sorry, nothing can change.

It can't change the stupidity and evil he has committed, nor can it change the suffering and sin Ding Shuang has suffered.

Thinking of Ding Shuang lying in a pool of blood, he reddened his eyes, suddenly raised his hand and slapped himself in the face., the fastest update of the webnovel!