You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7017

Later, the twists and turns, she was cured, not paralyzed, and gradually recovered her health.


It can't be said that he has completely recovered his health.

However, she was not paralyzed or disabled. She could live like a normal person, but her physical foundation was broken. Originally healthy, she became weak and sick.

A healthy person will never realize what a correct truth "health is one and everything else is zero".

Only those who lose their health know the meaning of this sentence.

After becoming a sick child, she dreamed that she could go back to the past and run, jump, stay up late and eat junk food without burden.

But she can't.

She can't stand any trouble now. As long as she doesn't pay attention, she will be ill and hospitalized, causing the whole family to turn upside down and be restless.

She changed from a smart, capable and considerate daughter to a drag on her parents.

She knew that the original plan didn't mean to hurt her.

I also know that Yuance likes her.

Perhaps she once liked the original policy.

However, in any case, she became what she is today, which is the harm of the original policy. She can't accept the original policy and be with the original policy.

What's more, Yuance is still a confused man.

In the same sentence, there are three brothers in the original family. Why didn't yuan Xianxian count yuan's eldest brother and Yuan's second brother and choose him to count?

Isn't it because he's stupid?

Yuan Xianxian is a villain. So many people can see it. Only he can't see it. He thinks he just supports yuan Xianxian and looks coldly at the victim and the real daughter of the original family, Cheng Fengsu.

How is such a stupid man worth her life?

In the tragedy of the original family, he learned a lesson and recognized the true face of the original fine fiber. What will happen in the future?

Will he still be stupid if something similar happens again?

She doesn't want to know, nor does she want to witness and try in person.

There are so many people in the world. Three legged toads are hard to find. There are many two legged men. She either doesn't marry for life, or she doesn't have so many grievances with her. She really likes it. Why do she have to marry a man with so many knots with her?

The gatekeeper told her that Yuance had come.

Originally, she didn't want to pay attention.

But later, I thought that she and Yuan CE were childhood friends. Although yuan CE was stupid and hurt her a lot, they had feelings.

Whether it's the pure feelings of childhood childhood sweethearts or the hazy good feelings between men and women, there are always feelings.

She hated that the original plan was so stupid and that he hurt himself like this, but she didn't want him to blame himself all the time and live with heavy shackles all his life.

So she came out.

She felt that some words had better be made clear.

She hasn't seen yuan CE for a long time. Yuan CE feels like a living person.

He has completely changed.

From appearance to temperament, from the inside to the outside, everything has changed.

He has lost a lot of weight, and his handsome facial features are a little more sharp than before. He looks stable and mature. Standing there quietly gives people a quiet feeling, like the things that originally floated on the surface are precipitated, and he has a sense of vicissitudes after years.

Seeing the pain and sadness in his eyes, she suddenly rejoiced that she had come out to see him.

She did hate him, but it wasn't hate, it was the kind of hate that hate iron doesn't make steel.

She didn't want to see him in such pain., the fastest update of the webnovel!