You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7015

What's the difference between being too little and not wanting?

Isn't it too little, so don't you want it?

Because she is very rich herself, there is no need to accept the money of the original family, so she doesn't want it.

What if she's poor?

If she was a poor man without money, would she want it if their family gave her so much money?

However, there is no if.

The truth is, she's not poor.

In terms of per capita property, she is richer than everyone in her original family.

The original family has more property, but there are many people in the original family.

And she, just a person, has so much property.

She's so rich, of course, she doesn't like the makeup of her original family

Yuance's mind was in a mess. He couldn't hear what his second brother said to Cheng Fengsu.

Until he left the carving time and came home, he was still confused.

Yuanfu and Yuansui, who were waiting anxiously at home, saw that they didn't look right, especially Yuance, who seemed to have lost his soul. Yuanfu was very nervous: "what's the matter? Have a quarrel with Susu again?"

"No," Yuan Zhong said in a trance after sitting on the sofa and filling a glass of water. "It's a good conversation. Su Su said that she forgives ah ce..."

"Very good conversation?" the original father frowned and looked at the things he brought back. "Very good conversation. Why did you bring them back? How did Su Su confiscate them?"

"Because you don't need..." Yuan Zhong opened his mouth several times and finally said bitterly: "Dad, Su Su doesn't need these. She is very rich and richer than us..."

"What?" the original father's first reaction was: "thank you for giving her less?"

"No," Yuan Zhong shook his head. "She earned it herself."

"She earned it by herself?" the original father listened to the book of heaven: "she is a young girl. Where do you earn so much money? Ah Zhong, are you okay? Why are you evil?"

"Dad..." Yuan Zhong's trance eyes finally focused on Yuan Zhong: "Su Su may be a researcher like the old man who adopted her... But Dad, this is just my guess. Since Su Su Su didn't tell the outside world, it must be because her identity needs to be kept secret. Dad, forget it if you've heard about it..."

The original father was stunned.

After a long time, he mumbled: "the identity of researchers who need to be kept secret?"

Researchers, not rare.

But researchers whose identities need to be kept secret know how precious they are.

He was stunned for a long time before muttering: "however, I heard that precious researchers, in order to ensure their safety, all live in the base and are not allowed to enter or leave casually..."

"Maybe there's something hidden," Yuan Zhong said. "For example, Su Su doesn't like the closed research life. She put forward the conditions when she joined the job. For example, before the death of the old man who adopted Su Su, he put forward the conditions and won the present life for Su Su. In short, I think I'm right..."

The original father fell and sat on the sofa, half silent.

His second son is a serious and rigorous man. He won't say anything he's not sure about.

Now that he has said it, he will tell the truth.

His daughter is so excellent

And such an excellent daughter, because he and his wife broke off the relationship with the original family

In those days, if only he could hold on a little longer and look for his daughter instead of holding a fake outside to replace his daughter.

It's not like this. The family that should have been happy is like a big hole dug by someone. The wind and rain are miserable and the wind is blowing everywhere, the fastest update of the webnovel!