You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7014

They couldn't believe what they saw and almost doubted their eyes.

After a few more eyes, they finally determined that they were right. They were a little messy - Cheng Fengsu... Their sister... So rich?!

"You..." Yuan Zhong looked up at Cheng Fengsu: "are these from Xie Shao?"

"No," Cheng Fengsu said with a light smile, "I earned all these by myself."

"You?" Yuan Zhong was surprised. "So many?"

Cheng Fengsu's list of property is worth more than half of his original family.

"Yes," Cheng Fengsu pointed out her slender, tender and white fingers and pointed at her temple. "I make money here, so I come to money faster."

Her identity can't be disclosed. She didn't say it in detail.

But Yuanzhong knew something when he thought of the identity of the old man who adopted her.

When she was so young, she could accumulate so much wealth. She didn't start a company to do business. The old man who adopted her used to be a national scientific researcher. Cheng Fengsu said that she made money by her brain. Then she was ready to tell what she was doing in addition to her career as a teacher.

Knowledge can change the world.

Therefore, the most valuable thing in the world is knowledge.

Cheng Fengsu is obviously a high intellectual, which is rare and comparable to genius.

Yuan Zhong looked at Cheng Fengsu blankly, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Such an excellent girl should have been from their original family.

If she had not been sent away by his mother, now their original family was the in laws of the Xie family, and their original family would certainly be able to go to a higher level in the capital.

Before coming here, he thought that this was the most regrettable thing for their original family.

At this moment, he knew that they could regret more.

His sister is not only looking for a good husband, but also herself.

After all, there are many rich families, but genius is rare.

He could accumulate so much wealth on his own. He didn't dare to think about his sister's status now.

He couldn't help thinking again - such an excellent girl should have been from their original family!

She should be the sister who grew up with him. She gets along day and night and is inseparable from their original family.

But because of his mother, she wouldn't even ask for her makeup when she was getting married

Yuan Zhong felt terrible.

He is glad that his grandfather is not sitting here at the moment.

If his grandfather knew that his family had missed such an excellent younger generation, his grandfather might have a heart attack on the spot and be sent to first aid.

He didn't say anything more, and some embarrassed put away the things he brought: "I wanted to add makeup to you, but I made you laugh..."

I thought my sister was a sparrow flying on the branches. Although her husband's family was rich, she was poor. Her family gave her more dowry. She had money and money. If she married Xie's family, she could have more confidence.

Who knows, this thing they took out is nothing compared with his sister's property

Cheng Fengsu chuckled. "It seems that I don't accept it. It's too little."

Yuan Zhong was even more embarrassed: "I didn't mean that."

"Well, I know you don't mean that," Cheng Fengsu said with a smile. "I've got your heart. I tell you I'm not poor. I just want you to know that I don't lack those things. It's not too little, but I really don't want them.", the fastest update of the webnovel!