You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7012

Cheng Fengsu thought a little: "let the original policy come in."

Yuan Zhong was stunned and didn't understand what she meant.

However, since Cheng Fengsu said it, even if he didn't understand why Cheng Fengsu asked yuan CE to come in, he followed Cheng Fengsu's heart, called Yuan CE and called Yuan CE in.

Yuan CE blushed when he saw Cheng Fengsu. He was incredibly ashamed.

Recalling that he was like a firecracker, he served as a pawn for yuan Xianxian, questioned Cheng Fengsu everywhere and embarrassed him everywhere. At that time, he was really an idiot!

"Sit." Cheng Fengsu didn't embarrass him.

Yuan CE sat down opposite Cheng Fengsu with a red face.

Cheng Fengsu asked him, "are you here to add makeup to me?"

"I'm here to apologize!" Yuan CE, who had just sat down, stood up again and summoned up the courage to look at Cheng Fengsu.

He looked into Cheng Fengsu's eyes and said seriously, "I'm sorry... I apologize for everything I've done to you... I used to be an idiot. Please don't argue with an idiot. And... I'm really sorry..."

With red eyes, he bent down deeply.

Some people may find it embarrassing to apologize to others.

Once he felt the same way.

But for a long time, when he was overwhelmed by Cheng Fengsu's apology, it was a relief to say sorry to Cheng Fengsu.

Or, what he insists on is not apologizing to Cheng Fengsu, but after apologizing to Cheng Fengsu, he can put down the stupid things he did in the past, say goodbye to the stupid idiot himself in the past and start over.

In short, whether Cheng Fengsu taunts him or ridicules him, he must seriously say sorry to Cheng Fengsu.

He owes her this.

Cheng Fengsu smiled, "I forgive you."

Yuan CE straightened up in surprise and looked at Cheng Fengsu.

He had imagined a lot before he came.

He once thought that Cheng Fengsu would ignore him and take him as air.

I thought she would taunt him, ridicule him, or sweep him lightly as she used to do. When she saw him, she didn't take him in her eyes, let alone in her heart.

He thought a lot, but he didn't expect that Cheng Fengsu would easily say to him, "I forgive you.".

He almost looked at Cheng Fengsu in shock, as if he had never known her.

Cheng Fengsu in his impression has never been such a talkative person.

"I didn't expect that I would forgive you so generously?" Cheng Fengsu looked at him and smiled. "Didn't the ancient emperor's wedding amnesty the world? I'm happy and in a good mood these days. I have no power to forgive you."

Original policy: "

He opened his mouth and didn't expect to say anything. Cheng Fengsu continued: "however, don't get me wrong. What I said about forgiveness is just a literal meaning. It's just forgiveness, not to restore relations with you..."

She pushed back the things yuan Zhong handed her: "so, take these things back. I don't need them."

Yuan Zhong was worried: "Su Su, we are brothers and sisters anyway..."

"A brother and sister born to a mother, isn't she?" Cheng Fengsu said slightly. "Sorry, as long as you think that woman is the one you must be filial to. At any time, you won't say she's not a word. We're doomed to be a family.", the fastest update of the webnovel!