You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7011

Ding Shuang's injury was cured by Yue ya'er. It looked like a normal person, but the injury was fundamental. The originally healthy and lively girl became weak and sick.

The Ding family hated his brother. They didn't look good when they saw his brother.

But his brother is a dead eye. Only Ding Shuang is full of heart and eyes. He doesn't consider others anymore.

You don't have to think about how rough his brother will be in love in the future.

But he did all this by himself and suffered by himself. He has nothing to do with others. Up to now, he can only bear it by himself.

The father and son discussed for a long time before finally finalizing the dowry to accompany Cheng Fengsu.

After a hasty dinner, Yuan Zhong called Cheng Fengsu and asked her to meet tomorrow.

Cheng Fengsu agreed.

She has a good impression of her second brother. If she doesn't want to have too much contact with the original family, maybe she and Yuan Zhong will become as good brothers and sisters as Xie Yunlin and ye Xingbei.

It's a pity

It's impossible to be as close as Xie Yunlin and ye Xingbei. It's OK to meet.

The two met at carving time.

Cheng Fengsu likes to eat in the carving time. She has a special position in the carving time, and the carving time is opposite her school. She strolls past without delaying anything.

The next day, after school in the afternoon, Cheng Fengsu came to the carving time.

When Lin wanyang saw her, he immediately greeted her with a smile: "Miss Cheng, are you looking for the boss?"

"I'll find Beibei later," Cheng Fengsu said with a smile, "see a guest."

"Oh," said Lin wanyang, "then go to your card seat and have something to drink. I'll send it to you."

"A cup of burning fairy grass and a dish of playing together." Cheng Fengsu didn't talk to her politely and ordered directly.

After ordering her favorite food, she was in a good mood and went to the card seat leisurely.

The card seat is close to the window and separated from the store by a screen and green plants. It is a world of its own, not a separate room. It has a wide field of vision and good light. It gives people the feeling of being spacious and not suffocating. Cheng Fengsu likes it very much.

Ye Xingbei decorates a red cloth sofa with flowers and puppets on the table, which is fun for children at home.

The quality of the sofa is excellent. When you sit on it, your body will sink into it. It's soft, like falling into the clouds. The whole person will relax.

The dish of milk tea and snacks arrived soon. While eating and drinking, she looked lazily out of the window.

A few minutes later, Yuanzhong arrived.

"Su Su," Yuan Zhong sat down opposite Cheng Fengsu and said apologetically, "am I late?"

"No, I'm early. What can I drink?" Cheng Fengsu said politely to the second brother who had won a lot of honors for the country.

Yuan Zhong said, "lemonade is OK."

Cheng Fengsu ordered him a glass of lemonade.

Brother and sister haven't seen each other for some time. Yuan Zhong came with a task. He was a little stiff and walked around. He really had nothing to say. Then he took out those real estate certificates from the file bag. "Su Su Su, this is the intention of my father, my eldest brother and a CE."

He pushed the real estate certificate to Cheng Fengsu and handed over several jewelry boxes, "these are also."

He pointed to the largest jewelry boxes alone: "these were prepared by a Ze. He... He came too. He was outside. He was afraid you were angry and didn't dare to come in."

Last night, his brother's courage was commendable, but unfortunately, when he got to the door, he counseled and didn't dare to come in.

Cheng Fengsu was surprised. "Add makeup to me?"

"Yes!" Yuan Zhong nodded hurriedly, "these are the wishes of dad, me, brother and a CE. Su Su, you must accept them!"

He looked at Cheng Fengsu nervously for fear that Cheng Fengsu would not accept it.


PS: people say, do you want to accept Su Su?

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