You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7009

Originally, he loved work very much and was called a workaholic. He was in a wrong state all day.

Fortunately, now it is the off-season, and the assistant coach assists him. He only needs to arrange the training tasks. Naturally, the assistant coach will stare at the students to complete the training.

And he ended his day's work in a trance.

When he got home, his father, big brother and brother were all there.

The food in the kitchen has been prepared. We'll wait for him to come back for dinner.

Yuanfu soon found that he was in a bad mood and asked with concern, "ah Zhong, what's the matter? Why is his face so ugly? Is his leg uncomfortable again?"

"No, I'm fine," Yuan Zhong glanced at his father, brother and brother. "Dad, Su Su Su is going to have a wedding."

Worried about the recurrence of Yuanzhong's old injury, Yuanzhong's father, who had bowed his head to see Yuanzhong's legs, was stunned.

He looked up at Yuan Zhong: "and Xie Yunlin?"

Yuan Zhong nodded, "yes."

The original father remained silent.

Cheng Fengsu and Xie Yunlin have really become

He always thought that Cheng Fengsu lived outside alone and refused to go back to his original home. The Xie family would dislike Cheng Fengsu's low status and refuse to marry Cheng Fengsu.

He also secretly thought that Cheng Fengsu had suffered a loss outside, and might come back one day and ask the original family to support her.

At that time, she will know how important a strong family is for a girl to be married.

These days, Xie Yunlin and Cheng Fengsu have not held a wedding. He has been thinking whether the Xie family dislikes Cheng Fengsu's low rank.

He also thought that maybe one day Cheng Fengsu would come back, call his father and ask him to help her.

But it turned out that it was another dream he had

Xie Yunlin didn't refuse to marry Cheng Fengsu, but he was a little late.

He felt an unspeakable pain in his heart, and his viscera were aching, which made his legs soft.

He staggered and fell down on the sofa.

The original sat down beside him with worry: "Dad, are you okay?"

The original father waved his hand powerlessly.

Originally, Cheng Fengsu thought that sooner or later he would know the benefits of being supported by his mother's family. He could take this opportunity to repair his relationship with Cheng Fengsu and save his daughter.

But now it seems that everything is just his wishful thinking and wishful thinking

At first, the person who hated Cheng Fengsu most was Yuance, and now it is Yuance who feels most guilty about Cheng Fengsu.

After being beaten by cruel facts, he finally matured, but the price he paid was too painful.

So far, he has not been able to ask his sweetheart's forgiveness.

Because his sweetheart thinks he's dirty and stupid.

He still remembers his beloved girl's indifferent eyes when she looked at him.

She said faintly: the three brothers of the original family, why didn't yuan Xianxian count your eldest brother, your second brother and only you?

She asked and answered herself: because you are stupid!

He liked the girl for so long, looked at him indifferently and said that Yuan Xianxian would count on him because he was stupid.

She said she would rather not marry for life than marry a fool who doesn't distinguish right from wrong.


He's a fool.

His own sister was obviously a victim, but he was possessed, targeted her, picked on her problems, and did right with her everywhere.

How pathetic is his sister?

Abandoned by his own mother, he was easily found back, and his own brother picked his nose and eyes.

What did she do wrong?

The only thing she did wrong was probably the wrong fetus. She shouldn't be born in his mother's stomach, the fastest update of the webnovel!