You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 7008

After lying in bed for a long time, she lazily touched her mobile phone and sent a message to Yuan Zhong: on the 16th of next month, I will have a wedding with Xie Yunlin.

In the original family, her relationship with Yuan Zhong can be called a good one.

Yuanzhong is a hero who wins glory for the country. She respects Yuanzhong.

She asked Yue ya'er to cure yuan Zhong's leg. Yuan Zhong thanked her.

Yuanzhong is one of the original family who has never hurt her at all.

She is a very bitter person, but she is not completely cold-blooded.

She knows that Yuan Zhong really cares about her, so she is willing to tell yuan Zhong about her marriage with Xie Yunlin.

As for the others, forget it.

She doesn't want to think much.

Not long after the text message was sent, her mobile phone rang quickly.

Yuanzhong's call.

She picked up her cell phone and put it in her ear.

Yuan Zhong's voice soon sounded in her ear: "Su Su, are you going to have a wedding with Xie Shao?"

Cheng Fengsu replied, "yes."

Yuan Zhong's first reaction after seeing the text message sent by Cheng Fengsu was to call Cheng Fengsu, but the mobile phone was really connected. After asking, he suddenly found that he couldn't find anything to say.

After a moment of silence, he asked, "is there anything I can do for you?"

"No," Cheng Fengsu said, "I'm fine. If you have time, I can have a wedding wine on the wedding day."

"Sure," Yuan Zhong was silent for a moment and asked carefully, "Su Su, are you... Willing to go home and get married? We will all be very happy."

"No," Cheng Fengsu said without hesitation, "my grandfather left me a house and I will go home and get married."

"...." Yuan Zhong was silent again.

Cheng Fengsu is clearly his own sister. What she calls "going home" is not the original home.

His heart was aching, and his heart was very bad.

Brother and sister actually have each other in their hearts, but they hold the phone and don't say a few words.

Cheng Fengsu smiled. "Anything else? I'll contact you later."

"OK, I'll contact you later," Yuan Zhong said. "If you need anything, be sure to tell me, Su Su... I'm sorry..."

These three words, whether he or his brother, brother, have been said countless times.

But these three words are weak.

A "I'm sorry" can't change the harm Cheng Fengsu has suffered, nor can it make up for the original family's debt to Cheng Fengsu.

Obviously, she is the daughter of the original family. Such a good girl is smart, beautiful and capable, but she doesn't belong to their original family.

This taste is really uncomfortable!

After the call, his spirit was in a trance and he was doing things by instinct.

After his legs were well, his golden age had passed and he couldn't return to the field, but the state appointed him as the coach of the national team.

He likes the job very much, more precisely, he loves it.

Although he can't return to the field to win glory for the country, he can cultivate the next generation to win glory for the country.

If his legs are not good all the time, eating in a wheelchair and waiting to die, every day he spends is torture.

Cheng Fengsu is his salvation.

Her appearance pulled him out of hell and gave him the job he was willing to work for all his life and would love all his life.

However, such a good sister was pushed away by his confused mother and dilemma father., the fastest update of the webnovel!