You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6996

Cheng Fengsu bit the fruit and asked lazily, "didn't your eldest brother tell you that he was promoted?"

"Have you been promoted?" Ye Xingbei was stunned and rejoiced: "my eldest brother has been promoted?"

Cheng Fengsu nodded: "yes."

Although he is still a little worse than her, it is not easy for him to become a monk halfway.

Her marriage with Xie Yunlin was delayed again and again. Before, she thought it didn't matter. Being single was more free, but ye Xingbei's babies were born one after another. She must admit that she was a little stimulated.

If she waits for Xie Yunlin to rise to a higher level than her before holding the wedding, she has to wait until the year of the monkey?

"Great! Double happiness!" Ye Xingbei asked excitedly, "where has my eldest brother been promoted? What is the date of your marriage?"

"Ask him yourself." Cheng Fengsu dropped such a sentence, lost the stone, kissed the little fish and swam, and left leisurely.

Ye Xingbei: "...?"

She couldn't figure out how to call Xie Yunlin: "brother, have you been promoted?"

Xie Yunlin was stunned. "What did Su Su tell you?"

"Yes," Ye Xingbei complained, "brother, why don't you call to report such a big happy event and ask sister Su to tell me."

"Er..." Xie Yunlin said, "although the appointment has been made, it has not been announced. I want to tell you when it is announced."

"Oh," Ye Xingbei reluctantly forgave him, "what about the wedding? Why didn't you mention a word to me?"

"Hold a wedding?" Xie Yunlin was a little confused. "Who will hold a wedding? Me and Susu?"

"Yes," said Ye Xingbei, "sister Su told me that you are going to have a wedding. I asked her, what day is your wedding date, and she didn't tell me. She asked me to ask you, brother, what day is your wedding date?"

Xie Yunlin: "... We haven't set a wedding date yet!... however, I told her before that when I rise again, we'll have a wedding."

His cheek burns when he mentions this.

Without him, the level is too different from the future wife.

I really dare not get married for fear of being said to eat soft rice!

Husband Gang is not strong!


Ye Xingbei was stunned and smacked the taste. When he came back, he couldn't help laughing.

She got it.

"Sister Su is urging marriage!" Ye Xingbei smiled. "Brother, you hurry to find sister Su and fix the wedding date. The sooner the better. Sister Su hates to marry!"

She tut Tut and said proudly, "my eldest brother has great charm. Such an excellent sister Susu is locked up by you. She still takes the initiative to urge marriage. Eldest brother, you can have infinite charm, great!"

Xie Yunlin: "

He chatted with Ye Xingbei at random. When he hung up his cell phone, his mind was still confused.

His fiancee... Urged marriage?

Hate to marry?

He wiped his face and felt very sorry.

I think... He's a jerk and I'm sorry for Cheng Fengsu.

It's his business that he can't be promoted, but he has been dragging his marriage with Cheng Fengsu because he can't be promoted.

How precious is a girl's youth?

If he can't be promoted in ten or eight years, will he drag Cheng Fengsu for ten or eight years?

That would be a bastard!

He didn't have time to think about it. He turned out his wedding ring and went out.

Cheng Fengsu saw Xie Yunlin coming in a hurry and smiled at the corners of his mouth. He knew why he came.

With a cup of coffee in her hand, she leaned against the door and looked at him., the fastest update of the webnovel!