You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6995

Tan Xun raised his mouth and smiled. His smile was sad and self mocking: "Ruan Dai has a fiance. She broke off her relationship with me. We won't have a relationship in the future."

Tan's mother was stunned and exploded: "how dare she? You two have an engagement! How can she repent?"

"Mom, don't say these ridiculous words." at this moment, Tan Xun was very calm: "what engagement? It's just a verbal baby kiss between the two old people. It's the same as joking. There is no marriage letter, no bride price, and even no wedding banquet. What engagement is it?"

Tan's mother was dumb.

you bet.

There is no formal engagement between their family and the Ruan family. Some are just verbal baby kisses.

However, their family and the Ruan family are neighbors. Her son and Ruan Dai grew up together. They were childhood sweethearts. When they were young, they were inseparable and closer than their own brothers and sisters. That is, when they grew up, they had more differences and quarreled with each other. They were not as close as when they were young.

However, the elders of the two families have always had a tacit understanding and feel that they must be a pair!

Why did Ruan Dai suddenly have a fiance?

"Who is her fiance?" she asked discontentedly, "has Ruan Dai climbed the high branch?"

Tan Xun thought of Gu Qingrun's strong self-confidence when he raised his hand and pointed to the valuable villa. He was silent for a moment and sighed deeply: "it's true."

"What is it?" Tan's mother's voice was sharp: "which young master has she climbed?"

"Is it important?" Tan Xun frowned impatiently: "Mom, I don't know which young master she has climbed to. All I know is that her fiance has good conditions. She has a villa in the new area, which is much better than ours. I don't know anything else... Mom, these are not important. The important thing is that you don't have to worry about Ruan Dai's bad temper and difficult to get along with in the future. You should be happy!"

Tan's mother was angry: "what are you talking about? I'm worried. Ruan Dai has a bad temper, but Ruan Dai has good conditions! If you miss Ruan Dai, it's difficult for you to find a wife with such good conditions!"

"Really?" Tan Xun said after a long silence, "Mom, you never said that before... You only said that Ruan Dai has a bad temper and it will be hard to marry her. You never said that she has good conditions..."

Until he lost it, he realized that if he wanted to pick roses, he had to endure the thorns on the roses.

He wants to marry a princess as his wife, but he wants the princess to have the temper of a servant girl. Who does he think he is?


Even if a prince wants to marry a princess, he has to coax and spoil it.

He was not a prince, but hoped that the princess would put away her pride and be a servant girl for him.

He's so stupid. It's funny!

Tan's mother was stunned. "Ruan Dai has good conditions. Do you still need me to say it? Can't you see it yourself? Are you a fool?"

"Yes, I'm a fool!" Tan Xun mocked himself. "If I weren't a fool, how could I listen to you? I think Ruan Dai has a bad temper and a bad temper. I want to transform Ruan Dai wholeheartedly and transform Ruan Dai as obedient as Ruan Mei."

As a result, Ruan Dai was annoyed by him and turned her head into the arms of others.

My heart hurts.

It's like being gouged out.

He had no intention to quarrel with his mother and floated upstairs like a wandering soul.

Tan's mother was stunned. What echoed in her ears again and again was what Tan Xugang had just dropped

Because of her nagging and complaining, her son wanted to change Ruan Dai and quarreled with Ruan Dai again and again.

What did she do?

Thinking of Ji Zhiyan's position as president and the Ruan family's hundreds of millions of assets, it had nothing to do with her son. I don't know who would be cheaper. Her heart cramped and fell down on the sofa covering her chest.


Carve time.

It disappeared because of work. Cheng Fengsu appeared for some time.

She sat in a rocking chair under the shade of the tree, eating fruit and shaking gently. Her voice lazily threw a heavy bomb - bomb, "Beibei, your brother and I are about to have a wedding."

Ye Xingbei: "...?"

As soon as she came down, she stared at Cheng Fengsu and asked, "the date of the wedding has been set? Why didn't my eldest brother tell me?"

The news of the wedding between the future sister-in-law and the elder brother was learned from the future sister-in-law, not from her elder brother. Her elder brother is too much!, the fastest update of the webnovel!