You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6985

Ji Zhiyan looked at him quietly for a moment, and she was disappointed.

She knows what Ruan Yang means.

Ruan Yang also wants to communicate with Ruan Mei.

He was afraid that after he took the big house, he could no longer have contact with Ruan Mei.

His ability to ask this proves that he is a conscientious child and will not give up his own sister for prosperity.

However, while valuing love and righteousness, he also hurt her, who has always loved him.

She had no son of her own, and had only one daughter, Ruan Mei.

She hopes her daughter will have brothers to help her when she grows up.

I hope her daughter will be protected by her relatives after a hundred years with her husband.

Therefore, she has always loved Ruan Yang.

She hopes that Ruan Yang can help her take good care of her daughter for her kindness to him.

But now, she was disappointed.

Ruan Yang is Ruan Mei's brother, not her daughter's brother.

Even if Ruan Yang knew that Ruan Mei abused her and seduced her daughter's nominal fiance, Ruan Yang still thought about his sister.

Afraid of taking her house, she won't let him go with his own sister. Before taking her house, she has to ask clearly!

She was right about Ruan Yang. This is really a good child who is rich and can't have sex.

But why was she so uncomfortable when she knew he was a good child?

She raised her mouth with some sarcasm: "of course! I'm not an unforgivable villain. As long as you don't let her live in the house I bought, you can communicate with her as you like. Can I send someone to stare at you 24 hours?"

Ruan Yang saw her displeasure and looked a little embarrassed.

He knew that his sister scolded his aunt for being wrong, but anyway, his sister was also his own sister. He could not completely cut off his sister because of a house.

If so, what has he become?

Ji Zhiyan, who was excited because she finally drove Ruan Mei out of her home, suddenly felt very boring.

Her eyes swept over the three members of Ruan's family: "I'll arrange someone to buy a house for you now. Go and see the house. If you can move in directly, you can move in directly. If you need decoration, rent a house first to make do for a while."

"Still have to rent a house?" Mrs. Ruan said subconsciously, "you have to spend money to rent a house. Why do you spend that money? Let them live at home first. When will the house be bought and moved over?"

Ji Zhiyan frowned: "Mom, I just said that I want them to move out. I always keep my word. I don't want to eat my word."

Old lady Ruan looks unhappy when she sees Ji Zhiyan. If she says anything more, she may make Ji Zhiyan even more unhappy.

The eldest daughter-in-law was willing to buy a small Western-style building for her grandson, which exceeded her expectations. She didn't want to have any trouble at this time. She quickly said, "OK, let them rent a house first according to you."

Big deal, she also went to see the house and bought it quickly. Her second family had a house to live in!

Ruan Laoer was full of mixed feelings. Knowing that he had no face to live here, he took his wife and children upstairs to pack up.

More than an hour later, a family of three came down with several big suitcases.

Ruan Cheng asked the driver at home to take them.

Ruan Yang felt that his aunt's attitude towards him was not the same as usual. He was a little flustered and wanted to say goodbye to his aunt., the fastest update of the webnovel!