You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6984

Ji Zhiyan said: "I'll transfer the house to Yang Yang's name and put the house here. Even if the second brother wants to sell the house again, he can't help it. Yang Yang has a house and can make a marriage. Not only that, when Yang Yang has a girlfriend and is ready to get married, bride price money and car, ah Cheng and I will help Yang Yang prepare. I have only one condition. I buy the house for Yang Yang Yang and don't allow Ruan Mei to step further 。”

Her eyes swept over Mrs. Ruan's faces. Although her tone was slow, she was wrapped with cold, fierce and sharp, "I don't want those who abuse me to live in the house I paid for! If you agree with this, I'll immediately ask someone to help Yang Yang find a house. If you don't agree, I can't help it. Everyone has the right to choose their own life. I'm not too good at pointing fingers."

She said this in a tactful way, but everyone present understood it.

If she agrees not to let Ruan Mei live in the house she bought for Ruan Yang, she will sell the house to Ruan Yang. If she doesn't agree, she won't buy a house for Ruan Yang. Of course, they don't want to live here anymore. In the future, they don't care where they like to live.

After she finished, the living room became quiet.

For her, this condition is not too much.

Ruan Mei abused her. Ruan Mei was not qualified to live in the house she bought. When it comes to the horizon, she is also reasonable.

But for the Ruan second family, this is a very difficult choice.

Ruan Mei is their daughter and sister. If Ruan Mei is not allowed to enter their house, Ruan Mei is excluded.

It means that the three of them are a family. Ruan Mei was abandoned by the three of them.

They knew that Ruan Mei scolded Ji Zhiyan for being wrong. They were very angry. They also understood that Ji Zhiyan refused to let Ruan Mei live in the house she spent money on, which could make them give up Ruan Mei and exclude Ruan Mei from their family. They couldn't bear it.

Ji Zhiyan stood up, "you move out first, think about it, think about it, give me an answer, and I can arrange someone to help Yang Yang look at the house at any time."

The second Ruan looked at Ruan Yang, gritted his teeth and said, "don't worry, sister-in-law. I'm not a good father. I hope Yang Yang can't afford to marry his daughter-in-law all his life! It's Yang Yang's blessing that sister-in-law is willing to buy a house for Yang Yang. As for Ruan Mei, she abused her sister-in-law and was not qualified to live in the house bought by her sister-in-law. She's an adult and can live wherever she likes. I can't care so much!"

Mrs. Ruan couldn't bear it. She thought it was too cruel for Ruan Mei to do so, but the current situation is that either Ruan Mei has no house to live alone, or five members of the second family have no house to live.

If you can only choose one, of course, Ruan Mei has no house to live alone.

She did it herself, and no one else was sorry for her.

The old lady pressed down the point in her heart that she couldn't bear to Ruan Mei and asked with concern: "Zhiyan, what house are you going to buy for Yang Yang?"

"Buy a small two-story Western-style building," Ji Zhiyan had thought for a long time. "I didn't buy a big house for my second brother earlier because my second brother can't afford it, but now it's different. Yang Yang has joined the work and is capable. I believe Yang Yang can afford the house. What do you think of Yang Yang?"

On the surface, she meant to affirm Ruan Yang's ability, but behind it, she bought the house, but don't expect her to provide the house.

Ruan Yang, who had been standing quietly behind his parents, asked, "aunt Bo, I know that my sister is not qualified to live in the house you bought, but if I live in the house aunt Bo bought for me, can I still communicate with my sister?", the fastest update of the webnovel!