You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 694

In any case, he did not expect that, after all the hardships, he finally struggled to come back from hell alive.

What he got was the news that made him despair.

Undercover two and a half years, the edge of life and death to go countless suffered, every day live with fear, walk in the edge of emotional collapse.

He insisted on the gentle and sweet figure of the middle star North in his mind.

He remembers Ye Xingbei's birthday clearly.

He never dreamed that today, when people are getting married and having children late, 21-year-old Ye Xingbei got married.

He married Gu Junzhu, whom he admired and trusted most! Torn with grief, as like as two peas in just a face,

's face was just perfect, and he was right and excited, and showed a timely surprise at the right time: "brother, do you really mean it?" How did you and Beibei get married? "

"It's a long story!" Gu Junzhu beautifies the marriage between him and ye Xingbei and gives a brief overview to Duan Yanbing.

He described his marriage with Ye Xingbei as love at first sight.

It's not that he deliberately deceives Duan Yanbing. He just doesn't want to embarrass Ye Xingbei.

What's more, he has a good relationship with Ye Xingbei. He really wants to spend his life with Ye Xingbei.

He even thought that he didn't know what love was.

He and ye Xingbei live happily. Maybe they have been in love for a long time?

Duan Yanbing listened carefully, with Gu Junzhu's expression on his face, he could always make timely and appropriate changes.

No one knows, Gu Junzhu's every word, like a knife, knife after knife cut his heart, cut the flesh and blood, blood dripping.

Gu Junzhu gave a brief introduction to his relationship with Ye Xingbei and asked Duan Yanbing: "how do you know Beibei? When you went out on a secret mission, you didn't see anyone for a few months. Later, the leader suddenly announced that you had died, and the people in the team felt sorry for you for a long time. "

Now it's easy to say that, but on the day of hearing the news of Duan Yanbing's death, the comrades in the team were embarrassed to cry in front of people. In the middle of the night, the iron men buried their heads in the quilt and bit their pillows to cry.

The next day, everyone in the team's eyes were red and swollen, but they pretended nothing had happened.

People who have never been soldiers may never be able to feel the feelings between them.

They eat, sleep, train and fight together.

In the hail of bullets, give each other's backs, shoulder to shoulder, back to back.

In an arduous environment, several people shared a steamed bread, a wild fruit and a pot of water. They took turns to carry their wounded comrades on foot for tens of miles. When the bullets came, they did not hesitate to push them away and exchange their lives for their lives.

In many cases, their friendship is closer than that of their brothers.

At the beginning, Duan Yanbing was transferred from him by the upper authorities. He said that he was going to perform a secret duty. As soon as he left, two or three months later, when the upper authorities informed him again, it was the news of Duan Yanbing's death.

He couldn't accept it. He rushed to the leader's room and got angry. He patted the table with the leader and was locked up for three days.

For him at that time, there was nothing more painful than the sacrifice of his comrades in arms.

Moreover, Duan Yanbing is still dead quietly, and has not even given a reason.

Duan Yanbing said: "that time, I was taken to perform a mission. I was seriously injured and rescued by Beibei. I woke up after a coma in the hospital for more than two months. When I woke up, I contacted the upper authorities. They told me that there were more important tasks assigned to me in the future. So I stayed here for more than half a year. Half a year later, I received an undercover mission and went undercover. ” , the fastest update of the webnovel!