You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 693

In any case, he did not expect that Duan Yanbing, who was in the north of the housekeeper and Ye Xing, was Duan Yanbing who had been dead for three years.

"Yes Leng Buding sees the person who is impossible to see here, Duan Yanbing excitedly hugs Gu Junzhu: "brother five, meet again!"

The two hugged each other, thumping each other's backs.

Ye Xingbei looked at Duan Yanbing and Gu Junzhu, "you two know each other."

"More than recognition!" Duan Yanbing hook Gu Junzhu's shoulder, "five brothers is our captain, we have been fighting side by side in the same special brigade for more than three years."

Gu Jun beat Duan Yanbing on the shoulder. "He used to be my deputy. In those days, our enemies told us to see the ghost and run away from us."

Gu Junzhu looked at Duan Yanbing, his lips raised high, his cheeks flushed slightly, and his eyes were surprisingly bright.

Ye Xingbei saw Gu Junzhu's emotion so exposed in front of outsiders for the first time. It can be seen that he is in a strong mood and has deep feelings with Duan Yanbing.

Ye Xingli finds out that ye Xingbei and Gu Junzhu don't go back. Seeing that Gu Junzhu and Duan Yanbing are having a good talk, they are like brothers who haven't seen each other for a long time. They are surprised and ask, "eh? Brother five, do you know Yanbing

"A Li young master, long time no see," Duan Yanbing Chong Ye Xingli nodded slightly, "my five brothers and I are comrades in arms, I'm a soldier brought out by five brothers."

"Oh! That's a good chance Ye Xingli said: "don't say it at the door. Go back to the living room and say that my parents are still waiting."

"Brother Li, tell your uncle and aunt that I want to take Yanbing to my home. I'll bring Yanbing to visit my uncle and aunt another day." Just Ye Xingbei doesn't know how to get along with Ye Wuwei. Duan Yanbing's arrival gives her a ready-made excuse.

Ye Xingli was very disappointed, but she didn't force her, "be careful on the road. I often bring young trees back to see me, otherwise my elder brother is so boring, and my parents only have each other in their eyes. I have to suffocate myself."

Ye Xingbei gave him a sweet smile, "well, I know, you go back quickly."

Duan Yanbing got into the car of Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei, and then asked Ye Xingbei: "Beibei, don't you live here?"

"Yes," Ye Xingbei said with a smile, "Yanbing, it's a coincidence that you're here. I happen to have something to come back. Otherwise, if you come here to find me, you'll have to rush for nothing."

"Why don't you live here?" Duan Yanbing's fingers moved, and a cold light flashed across his eyes: "they bullied you again?"

"No," Ye Xingbei shook his head with a smile and looked at Gu Jun one by one, a little shy: "because..."

"Because she and I are married," Gu Jun holds Ye Xingbei's hand and smiles. "Yanbing, you'll change your name to Beibei's sister-in-law in the future."

Getting married?

Sister in law?

Duan Yanbing only felt a "buzz" in his ear, and his whole body's blood rushed to his head in an instant. It seemed that he was going to burst his head, and there was a strong sense of whirling in his mind.

More than two years of undercover career, early let him practice the ability to hide the true emotions in the heart.

He doesn't have to hide, his body will automatically cover up his extreme emotions.

His heart swelled with waves, but his face did not move. His expression was still sincere and earnest, which was the same as just now.

But only he knows how sad he is at this moment.

He was swept away by overwhelming despair. , the fastest update of the webnovel!