You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6902

At the beginning of Qin Dynasty, Ronghe Bai Ruo left the carving time with a dreamy look.

Originally, they thought they were taking that medicine.

Although the effect is very good, they can finally live a normal husband and wife life, but they are a little uneasy in their hearts for fear of taking that kind of medicine with great side effects.

After all, it's not serious medicine.

However, seeing Yue ya'er again, Yue ya'er changed his mouth.

She said that the medicine she asked people to give them was not an immoral medicine at all, but a tonic such as deer antler and tiger whip.

Although tonics are bad to eat too much, they are serious things anyway. Don't worry too much about eating bad.

As Yue ya'er said, as long as you don't fill it, you won't have much problem.

The most important thing is that just taking tonics can easily solve the problems that have plagued them for so long.

Yue ya'er gave them five pills, but they just took a pair of pills last night, so they can live a normal husband and wife life!

I thought it was a medicine for tigers and wolves. It had an immediate effect. The effect was so good. As a result, it was just a tonic

Both of them have some doubts about life.

So, is this the world of genius?

They looked for doctors and medicine everywhere. They frowned every day and were about to die. As a result, a tonic was solved

After the two returned home, Qin Churong continued to take medicine step by step every day.

The remaining four finished taking the medicine. On the sixth night, the myrrh was gone. Qin Churong was a little nervous.

But it's okay.

He can still!

It was normal to get up the next morning.

No problem on the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth day!

On the eleventh morning, it was still normal.

There was no problem feeling the male symbol. He was refreshed and excited.

Bai Ruo is also happy and excited.

After breakfast, they found Yue ya'er again.

Yue ya'er gave Qin Churong his pulse, washed his hands and came back and asked Qin Churong, "how do you feel?"

"I feel a lot more relaxed," Qin Churong said. "I used to feel very tired, depressed and heavy. I feel very relaxed these days, just like... My body has been washed, and the heavy things in my body have been washed away. I feel relaxed!"

"Well," Yue ya'er said, "you are young and well conditioned. If you take some medicine, your body will be in a better state."

"Recuperate the body?" Qin Churong was stunned. "The medicine doctor Yue prescribed to me a few days ago still has the effect of recuperate the body?"

Yue ya'er chuckled, "the medicine I prescribed for you a few days ago is mainly to regulate your body. In addition, only the medicine on the first day added some... Things to cheer you up. The medicine from the second day to the fifth day is an ordinary medicine to regulate your body."

Qin Churong: "... What about deer antler and tiger whip?"

Yue ya'er said, "your body is weak and empty. It's not suitable for those things. I lied to you."

Qin Churong: "... Doctor Yue, I don't understand..."

He was confused.

What exactly does that mean?

Yue Yaer smiles, "To put it bluntly, you are not physically ill, but mentally ill. You feel that you can't do it. Your psychological activities are mapped to your body, which leads to your real failure. On the first day, I gave you that medicine to make your body react passively. You know you can do it yourself. Therefore, your psychological barrier was broken, and your psychological hint that you can't do it disappeared, So, even if you don't have that medicine the next day, you can still do it. "

Qin Churong didn't understand, "but why did Dr. Yue tell me that I didn't take that medicine and took supplements such as deer antler and tiger whip?", the fastest update of the webnovel!