You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6901

His body is boiling hot.

Bai Ruo hugged him with trembling hands: "how do you feel..."

Qin Churong whispered, "it works..."

Holding them together is like a dream.

It's really like what happened in a dream. I was desperate. After so long, I suddenly recovered.

It really healed suddenly!

I didn't go through a long treatment. I took a lot of bitter medicine and pricked a lot of painful needles. I just drank a bowl of soup and took a bath. Suddenly I was fine

One night, the two mermaids had fun.

The next day, after breakfast, they came to the carving time again and brought a lot of expensive gifts to Ye Xingbei and Yue yaer.

Seeing Yue ya'er, Bai Ruo was almost forced to ask, "doctor Yue, how long do you have to take the medicine you prescribed to recover?"

Yue ya'er looked at Qin Churong and said, "what medicine did you take last night?"

Qin Churong nodded, "yes."

Yue ya'er asked, "is it normal this morning?"

Qin Churong knew what Yue ya'er asked and said with a red face, "everything is normal."

Every normal man in the morning... That's what.

He hasn't been able since his car accident.

Later, he saw many doctors, but he still couldn't.

At the beginning, the doctor could tell what was wrong with him and prescribe medicine for him.

But later, the doctor didn't prescribe medicine for him.

The doctor said he was cured, except that he was weaker than normal, there was no problem there.

No problem at all.

No medicine, no treatment.

But he just can't.

What every man has in the morning, he doesn't.

If he doesn't, he's not normal.

He can't give his wife happiness.

But this morning, he was normal.

The medicine I took last night is still normal this morning.

I just don't know how long the medicine last night can be administered.

If you need to take medicine every time, will there be side effects if you eat too much.

"Don't worry," Yue ya'er said, looking at Qin Churong. "What you took last night was not medicine, but tonic."


Qin Chu Rong and Bai Ruoqi opened their eyes in surprise.

"It's a supplement like deer antler and tiger whip," Yue Yaer said. "Of course, eating too much will still have side effects, such as excessive anger and nosebleed."

"Is it just something like deer antler and tiger whip?" Bai Ruo said in surprise, "but my husband didn't eat less before. It doesn't work..."

"Oh," Yue ya'er said, "I'm talking about deer antler and tiger whip. There are also several drugs similar to deer antler and tiger whip. They can be used together with deer antler and tiger whip. They have miraculous effects."

Bai Ruo hesitated and asked what it was.

Dr. Yue didn't ask them to buy their own medicine, but bought their own medicine and asked people to give it to them. It should be a unique secret recipe. Don't you want people to know the formula?

Yesterday, Yue ya'er asked someone to give them five pills for five days.

She asked Yue ya'er, "so can you take those drugs all the time? It doesn't matter how long you take them?"

"Theoretically," Yue ya'er said, "but if one day he eats nosebleed, don't eat any more."

Bai Ruo glanced at Qin Churong and asked, "after five days of medication..."

"Don't take it first," Yue ya'er said. "Take medicine for five days to keep him fine for at least ten days. After ten days, if he is completely normal, don't take it again. If it's not good, contact me and I'll ask someone to deliver the medicine to you.", the fastest update of the webnovel!