You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6874

"And you two!" Gu Junzhu looked at Baize and Mingyin: "go out and kneel. You can go anytime you want to go!"

Bai Ze and Ming Yin turned pale and retreated with the rosefinch.

Only Gu Junzhu and Jin Ge are left in the room.

Jin Ge was very cramped. She lowered her head and twisted the trouser seams with her fingers.

Gu Jun asked faintly, "are you wronged?"

"Jin Ge dare not!" he said in his mouth, but his voice was deeply wronged, and big tears fell on the ground.

Gu Jun stared at him for a while and pulled the corners of his mouth: "it's a pity."

Martial arts is a good seedling. One in ten thousand, otherwise, it will not be included in the carving time.

When selected, you must have a good mind, otherwise you won't stand out from so many students.

Unfortunately, people's hearts are changeable.

Some people become slower. They may be invaded by time for many years, a few years, more than ten years, or even decades.

There are still some people who have not changed until they die.

But some people soon changed.

Like Jin Song.

From the simple environment of the training camp to the colorful world outside, I see more, broaden my horizons and understand more, and my heart is big.

Unfortunately, a good seedling was destroyed.

"You go," Gu Junzhu said faintly, "you are not over 16 years old and can't work. I will ask someone to help you find a welfare home, which will arrange for you to study."

"Go?" Jin Ge looked up at him in surprise: "you don't want me?"

"It's you who don't deserve to stay at home!" Gu Junzhu said faintly, "you don't obey orders, feed the little master and cause trouble. You not only don't take the initiative to admit it, but you're still indifferent to seeing the rosefinch stand up to take the blame! You don't deserve to stay at home!"

"I didn't mean it!" Jin Ge quickly argued: "I want to admit it, but brother admitted it first. If I admit it, it's equivalent to standing up and saying that brother lied. I'm afraid to hurt brother, so I didn't dare to tell the truth!"

"Don't make so many excuses," Gu Junzhu said impatiently: "You're still a child. You're acting in front of me. You're still young! You don't look down on the identity of Gu's bodyguard. You feel that you're wronged to stay at Gu's house! In that case, you don't need to continue wronging yourself. Just leave. Don't worry, Gu's family will never retaliate against you. Just treat you as if you haven't come to Gu's house and never educated you. Gu won't cling to you when you become a talent in the future. You can't help yourself If you don't live well outside, you don't have to go back. The two are irrelevant. "

Jin Ge stared at Gu Junzhu, and her mind was in a terrible mess.

Doesn't he look down on the identity of family bodyguard?

Maybe... Some.

At first, he felt great and powerful to be a close bodyguard around young men. He was very happy.

However, seeing Qin Junye, Huo Zhongqi and Nie Yanjing, he had some other thoughts in his heart.

He didn't compare with Ling Yue, because he knew that Ling Yue was the only heir of the Xiang family.

However, compared with Qin Junye, Huo Zhongqi and Nie Yanjing, he is no worse!

No matter his appearance or ability, he is no worse than Qin Junye, Huo Zhongqi and Nie Yanjing. Why can they be the apprentice of the young master, but he can only be the bodyguard of the young man?

He is a little unwilling.

He also wants to be the apprentice of the young master and young lady. He calls the young master and young lady Shifu and asks young master Xiaoshu to call him brother!

Yesterday, many of his husband and wife praised him for his beauty and intelligence.

Listening to more praise, he saw that Qin Jun could run out to play wantonly in the night, and he and his three brothers could only stay with the little fish and swim. His discontent reached the top of his heart., the fastest update of the webnovel!