You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6873

Gu Junzhu saw his grievance, some incredible, "do you think it's grievance?"

I let you take care of my baby son because I trust you. You disobeyed orders and fed my son indiscriminately, which caused my son to have diarrhea. After tossing all night, are you still wronged?

He hasn't personally trained new people for a long time.

Have the newcomers pulled so much now?

"I didn't mean it!" Jin Ge sobbed in her voice: "I'm sorry, I know I was wrong. Please, please let brother stop. You and you punish me. It's all my fault..."

Gu Junzhu looked at the rosefinch who had fanned his face red and swollen but hadn't stopped, "do you hear? Your brother pleaded for you."

Gu Junzhu's voice was very calm and there was no sign of anger. When the rosefinch heard it in his ear, he felt very afraid.

His legs were a little soft. He couldn't help kneeling on the ground and his voice shook badly: "I'm sorry... I'm the eldest brother. I didn't persuade Jinge to feed two young masters ice cream. I'm the most responsible and I'll be punished!"

"You really should be punished," Gu Jun looked at him expressionless one by one. "Is this the only point you should be punished?"

The rosefinch trembled violently: "I lied... I'm sorry..."

He knelt on the ground and slapped himself in the face again.

Another dozen slaps went down, and his arms trembled. Gu Jun shouted to stop, "get out and kneel."

"Yes!" the rosefinch got up from the ground and turned away.

"Wait a minute." Gu Jun shouted to him.

The rosefinch turned and knelt on the ground again.

"After today's events, you should understand that taking care of your family is not heaven," Gu Junzhu looked at him and said indifferently: "after this event, you should understand where your family is. If you think this is not the life you want, go to Gu Qi, and he will arrange school for you and give you severance pay. In the future, you will no longer be taking care of your family and go where you want to go!"

"I won't go!" the rosefinch put his forehead on the ground and choked and said, "I know it's wrong. I don't dare to do it in the future. I'll abide by the rules in the future. I don't dare to make my own decisions or lie any more!"


Where to go?

He hasn't experienced the cannibal world outside.

Today's punishment is indeed severe.

But he asked for it.

As long as he abides by the rules and makes no mistakes, the young master and young lady are very kind, and the bodyguard brothers take care of them like their own brothers.


If you go outside and are watched by bad guys, it's worse than death!

They don't have to do anything wrong. Just because they have a much more beautiful face than others and have no protection from their parents and relatives, they will be watched by bad people.

Last time, they were lucky and saved by their family.

What about next time?

Do they still have such good luck?

And, in this world, where is a free lunch?

Family care people don't owe them anything. They feed them with rich clothes and food. They spend a lot of time and energy training them, just to make them loyal to their family.

They just want to take care of the family's fine clothes and food, live and work in peace and contentment, but they don't want to be controlled by the family, obey the family's rules, do something wrong, and don't want to be punished.

How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?

The cruel world outside has taught him to recognize reality and dream less.

You should know that gratitude cannot be greedy.

So he won't go.

He didn't resent being punished.

Because he asked for it, he can't blame anyone., the fastest update of the webnovel!