You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6840

Ye Xingbei is a good-natured man and knows that he and ye Xinglan are best friends. Seeing that he is so polite, he doesn't hesitate to give advice: "My view on this matter is to make a hypothesis first. Assuming that your sister's misfortune and illness are man-made, then it must be the people close to you who start with your sister, otherwise it's not easy to succeed. Your aunt is not only the person close to your family, but also the person who introduced the expert to your family. She's very suspicious, don't you say?"

When ye Xingbei spoke, Gu Junzhu stared at her. He looked at Ye Xingbei with not only doting, but also appreciation and pride.

Only looking at the eyes of the fifth master, Lin Shen saw it. The fifth master agreed with Ye Xingbei's guess.

Ye Xinglan also said, "Beibei is right. Your aunt is very suspicious."

What else did Lin's mother want to say? Lin saw the deer shaking her hand and shaking her head at her.

She also saw that Gu Junzhu and Xie Yunlin didn't like what her mother said.

That's right.

They came for help. They kindly gave advice. You didn't check it. You insisted that it wasn't the case. You were wrong.

Who's happy?

Especially they haven't made friends with their family yet!

Lin's mother felt terrible.

Lin's father comforted and patted her, "you know who you are, but you don't know what you want. Gu Shao, Mrs. Gu Shao and Xie Shao all make sense. We sent someone to check. It's best that sister-in-law has no problem. However, we just ruled out her suspicion. If she has a problem, our fawn will be saved. It's a good thing for us."

Mother Lin opened her mouth, hesitated for a moment and nodded, "then send someone to check."

Now that she has doubts, if she doesn't find out, her husband, son and daughter will certainly have doubts about her sister-in-law and have a thorn in her heart. How can her eldest brother and sister-in-law come to the Lin family in the future?

After checking it out and knowing that her sister-in-law has no problem, the two families can continue to have no quarrel in the future.

Seeing that his mother had no problem, Lin Shen immediately took out his mobile phone and called his confidant to thoroughly investigate his aunt.

When he called, he didn't avoid people, so he called in front of everyone to show that he listened to everyone's suggestions and did it.

When he finished the call, ye Xinglan looked at Ye Xingbei: "Beibei, is Dr. Yue there? If Dr. Yue is there, please ask Dr. Yue to check the deer."

Ye Xingbei nodded: "yes."

She touched her cell phone and called Yue ya'er.

Yue ya'er knocked on the door and came in quickly.

The Lin family knew that Dr. Yue was not only the family doctor of the family, but also the second young lady of the Chi family.

The Lin family and the Chi family do not have much friendship. The Chi family is not under the Lin family. The Lin family dare not just treat her as a doctor and are very polite to her.

After some greetings, Yue ya'er sat down beside Lin Jianlu and gave Lin Jianlu a pulse.

A few minutes later, she got up and washed her hands.

When she came back after washing her hands, she sat beside Ye Xingbei, looked at the Lin family and said, "her body is very weak. There are problems in her internal organs. The reasons for this problem... There are too many professional terms. It's hard for you to understand. I said it more simply, only two words... Radiation."

"Radiation?" Lin Shen was stunned, "X-ray?"

"Pulling that, it's profound again," Yue ya'er smiled. "For a simple example, a woman wanted to kill her ex husband. She knew that her ex husband liked carving and deliberately sent a stone with radiation to her ex husband. Later, her ex husband got white blood disease."

Her voice is not big, and her timbre is also very beautiful. Her gentle and shallow voice is a little cool, but it is very pleasant. Obviously, it is such a beautiful voice, but the Lin family can hear a cold sweat., the fastest update of the webnovel!