You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6839

Xie Yunlin: "


It's right that Gu Wu didn't bother to talk to them.

If you are so stupid and don't listen to people's advice, you deserve to be calculated.

Fortunately, this is not their relative, otherwise he should be angry now.


Not right.

His sister said that ye Xinglan likes Lin Jianlu. If ye Xinglan marries Lin Jianlu in the future, will their family and the Lin family be relatives?

But fortunately, the Lin family is abroad. Even if they become relatives in the future, they should not harm him and his brother and sister

For a moment, many thoughts flashed through his mind, but he stopped talking.

As the saying goes, estrangement.

People insist that there is nothing wrong with his sister-in-law. Does he have to tell people that your sister-in-law is very suspicious? Go and check it quickly.

He's not that warm-hearted.

He and Gu Junzhu said what they should say. If they don't listen, it's their business.

Mr. Gu has turned his eyes to ye Xinglan and didn't say a word, but the meaning of seeing off is very obvious.

Ye Xinglan: "

What's going on?

He looked at father Lin: "uncle, I think what my brother-in-law and brother-in-law said is reasonable. What do you say?"

Before Lin Fu spoke, Lin Shen said, "Dad, I also think Gu Shao and Xie Shao's words are reasonable. We should ask our aunt how she knows who the expert is and whether someone else introduced her to let her introduce the expert to our family“

"With all due respect," said Ye Xingbei, who had not spoken for a while, "I think you'd better not take chances. Your aunt has a big problem“

"Why do you say that?" Lin Shen looked at her and said apologetically, "as the saying goes, those in the game are fans, because our family is in the game, care is chaos, so some things are easy to see through in the eyes of outsiders, but we are stuck in the game and can't find a clue. If Beibei wants anything, please remind us. We are very grateful!"

He is the only heir of the Lin family and a famous young talent in state W. his mother said two words, one against Gu Junzhu and the other against Xie Yunlin. He saw it.

He can't blame people for their lack of stomach.

After all, they have no friendship with the Lin family and the Gu family. They venture to visit and sit here and chat with others. It is already in ye Xinglan's face.

They kindly gave two suggestions, but his mother rejected them without thinking about it. It's also right for people to dislike their family.

After all, for others, their family is an uninvited guest. Ye Xinglan has a big face without directly ordering them to leave.

But he can't blame his mother.

Few married women do not pay attention to their mother's family.

His mother had a very good relationship with his uncle and aunt. His sister had been guilty for so many years and almost lost her life several times. Now someone suddenly told his mother that it might be caused by his uncle and aunt. Of course, his mother's first reaction was to refuse to believe it and subconsciously deny it without thinking.

Few people in the world can do without emotion.

Even he didn't want to believe that his aunt did it.

But he is a man. He knows that emotion is not advisable.

His mother is a woman and can be forgiven for being emotional. He is the only heir of the Lin family. If even he is emotional, the Lin family will be doomed in the future.

He made up his mind and looked at Ye Xingbei with sincere eyes and polite words., the fastest update of the webnovel!