You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6820

"No, I know, it's the problem of children," Si duomian cried. "You're afraid I don't want to have children for you, I do, I really do! Brother Fei, you believe me, I'm much better recently. As long as we remarry, I'll have children for you. You say we'll have several!"

Xie Jinfei pinched his eyebrows with a headache: "Mian Mian, it's really not a child's problem. I don't feel about you anymore... Too many things have happened between us. I can't simply like you as before. Our feelings have impurities, pricked in our hearts, and reluctantly remarried. It's like sand in our shoes. I can't live a simple life."

"No... no..." Si duomian cried and shook his head, "brother Fei, we can forget all the unhappy things in the past..."

Xie Jinfei had no choice but to tell the truth: "sorry, Mian Mian, I can't forget. When I was unconscious, your mother almost pointed at my brother's nose and scolded him in front of my brother."

"My parents died early. I was brought up by my big brother. I can't stand that my big brother suffered so much injustice for me."

"If I remarry you, do I still have to call your mother Mom Mom? Do I have to live in peace with her?"

He shook his head, "sorry, Mian Mian, I can't accept that scene as long as I think about it. I don't want to see her. I'm afraid I'll quarrel with her after I see her."

"But those things have passed," cried stoiman. "If you forget all those unhappy things, we can start over!"

Xie Jinfei looked at her seriously and said, "Mian Mian, if you forget me, you can start over."

Si duomian shook his head again and again: "no, brother Fei, I can't forget you..."

"I can't forget how your mother treated my eldest brother," Xie Jinfei said. "So, I'm sure to tell you that I won't remarry you, not now and not in the future. Don't waste time on me. Your conditions are so good that you will find someone better than me in the future!"

He bypassed Si duomian and opened the co pilot's door: "Ran Ran, get in the car and I'll take you home."

"Oh, oh!" Su ran hurriedly walked over.

"She is your new girlfriend?" Si duomian looked at Su ran with tearful eyes and asked, "you won't remarry me just for her, right?"

"No," Xie Jinfei helped Su ran close the door, turned and looked at her and explained seriously: "I didn't want her to remarry you, but I tried to date because I didn't want to remarry you. I hope I can find someone I like and spend the rest of my life with me."

He went to Si duomian and said sincerely, "Mianmian, I have come out of the past and am ready to start the next journey of my life. I hope you can come out quickly."

"You have a good family background and family. If you listen to their suggestions more, they will not harm you. If you try to change and accept, you will be happy."

"No, I won't..." Si duomian cried and shook his head: "only you can give me my happiness..."

No matter what he said, sto cotton didn't enter the oil and salt. Xie Jinfei had nothing to say. He turned into the car, started the car and left the parking lot.

He was afraid that something would happen to sto Mian, so he called sto Mian's brother and asked sto Mian's brother to send someone to pick her up.

After returning Su ran to Su's house, he drove around the car for a few times. He was depressed. Thinking of his obedient and soft baby nephew, he turned the steering wheel and drove towards the carving time., the fastest update of the webnovel!