You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6819

Xie Jinfei's family background is quite similar. Xie Jinfei may not like her.

Like Xie Jinfei, I like her and treat her well. My family background is certainly not as good as Xie Jinfei.

After repeated comparisons, she finally found that remarriage with Xie Jinfei was her best choice.

The marriage with Xie Jinfei was too easy. After marriage, Xie Jinfei was so kind to her that she felt that it was easy to marry a man like Xie Jinfei with her family identity.

Therefore, she did not cherish this marriage. When she encountered a setback, she withdrew and gave up the marriage.

After being hit by reality, she knew that even she was lucky to marry Xie Jinfei.

She has been lucky once. It's hard to be lucky again.

The easiest way for her to be happy for the rest of her life is to remarry Xie Jinfei.

After understanding this, she went to Xie Jinfei more often.

In the past, she didn't touch the spring water. In order to remarry, she even studied cooking with the cook at home and made dessert and soup for Xie Jinfei.

She has done a lot of things. When she did these things, she gradually realized that if a person wants happiness, he can't just accept what others give without paying anything.

Her marriage with Xie Jinfei failed because she took Xie Jinfei's kindness to her for granted.

She is so self-centered that she only enjoys Xie Jinfei's kindness to her and doesn't give back the same kindness to Xie Jinfei.

The feelings between people are mutual. When they accept and give the same feedback to each other, their feelings can last for a long time.

She feels that she has grown up and matured. If she is given another chance, she will be able to manage her marriage with Xie Jinfei and live a happier life than before the divorce.

She is full of expectation and confidence in her life after remarriage, but Xie Jinfei doesn't give her a chance to remarry at all.

She looked for Xie Jinfei again and again.

She apologized, begged, and expressed her determination.

However, Xie Jinfei, who was obedient to her before the divorce, seemed to have changed. No matter how she cried and begged, Xie Jinfei refused to remarry her.

Today, someone tipped her off that Xie Jinfei had gone on a blind date!

She hurried here. She didn't know where Xie Jinfei had gone, but found Xie Jinfei's car.

So she stood here and waited.

She wants to remarry.

She doesn't want Xie Jinfei to marry another woman.

She walked over and wanted to pull Xie Jinfei's hand: "brother Fei..."

Xie Jinfei dodged her hand and stepped back a few steps. The look on his face was helpless and powerless: "Mian Mian, we have divorced. The relationship between us is over. I appreciate Ran Ran ran very much. I hope that Ran Ran Ran and I can have a new life in the future. I hope you can also find someone you like, come out of the past and start a new life."

"No... I don't want..." Si duomian cried and said, "brother Fei, I only like you! I was wrong to divorce you. I was too childish and impulsive. I impulsively divorced you without thinking clearly. I regret it now."

She begged to look at Xie Jinfei and said, "brother Fei, you give me another chance. We have been living happily, haven't we? If you give me another chance, I will be a good wife and mother. I will give you children, brother Fei..."

Xie Jinfei shook his head: "it's not the child's problem...", the fastest update of the webnovel!