You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6802

As a result, she was disappointed.

Her son is not so important in Miao instantaneous can's mind.

Hasty tears flowed out of her eyes in an instant.

She racked her brains and brains. After doing so many things, it was easy for her to become the second young lady of the Miao family and become a rich man. She had only had a good life for a few days. She didn't want to be beaten back.

She grabbed Miao instantaneous can's arm and cried and begged: "brother can, please, don't do this. Dad just said angry words for a moment. After the storm, dad will forgive us."

She pushed Miao Qichu into Miao instantaneous can's arms. "Brother can, Qi Qi is the only grandson of my parents. My parents love Qi Qi most. When the limelight passes, my parents will certainly let us go home!"

"No," Miao instantaneous can glanced at Miao Qichu with a cold look. "Now everyone knows that you let Fu chenjie be the successor. Miao Qichu is my seed, but let Fu chenjie keep it for so long. No one knows this kind of immoral thing. If someone knows it, with my father's character, he will have a clear relationship with him."

His father wants face most. If he didn't want his grandson to be stunned, he would never accept Miao Qichu.

At the beginning, his father accepted Miao Qichu, but it didn't make a big deal. Others only knew that Yao Fang was his junior and Miao Qichu was his illegitimate son, but they didn't know that Yao fang had married someone, let alone that Yao Fang also made a mischief, which destroyed Fu chenjie's family.

Now, things have become big, and Yao Fang has become synonymous with malice.

How can his father, who cherishes fame so much, let the Miao family have a relationship with Yao Fangsheng's children?

Not to mention that he also has a brother and a younger brother. There is a high probability that he will have grandchildren in the future. Even if the Miao family is cut off, his father will not let Miao Qichu return to the Miao family.

He looked at Yao Fang with evil eyes and said, "you should not be smart. You should cooperate with Lin Jiajia to frame Fu chenjie and force Fu chenjie to divorce you. People are doing it and heaven is watching. You ruined Fu chenjie's family, so now you deserve it."

He looked down at Miao Qichu. "You are obedient and divorce me. Miao Qichu's custody belongs to you. I will give you alimony. If you quarrel with me and refuse to divorce, I will go abroad tomorrow and won't give you a penny. You take Miao Qichu and love life and death. Whether you die or live has nothing to do with me."

"Brother can, please, don't do this..." Yao Fang cried with tears on her face and pushed Miao Qichu into Miao instantaneous can's arms, "Qi Qi, please your father, don't let your father abandon our mother and son..."

Miao Qichu finally cried out loudly, "Dad..."

Miao instantaneous can pushes him away, "don't touch me!"

When he was rich in clothes and food, he was so white that he could increase his weight in the eyes of his parents. Naturally, he was happy.

But now, this son has become his stain and burden. He just wants to be clean out of sight.

He is still young and wants a son. Some women are willing to give birth to him. Why bother with the child who has become a stain on his life.

"See you at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau at nine o'clock tomorrow. If you don't go, I'll go abroad immediately. From now on, I won't give you a penny." leaving this sentence, Miao instantaneous can got into his car and left.

"Brother can... Brother can..." Yao Fang cried and ran after the car., the fastest update of the webnovel!