You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6803

"Mom! Mom!" Miao Qichu cried and stumbled after her.

The car drove fast and soon disappeared from Yao Fang's sight. Yao Fang was exhausted and stumbled to the ground.

She sat on the ground, wailing.

Everything she tried hard to get disappeared overnight because of an impeccable disaster.

She's gone.

She has only been the second young lady of the Miao family for three months and has enjoyed the life of a rich man for three months.

That kind of life is so beautiful. Every day she wakes up from happiness and happiness. Every minute, every second, she even breathes happily.

But now, No.

It's all gone

She sat on the ground for a long time, cold and hungry, so she had to get up and leave with Miao Qichu.

Miao instantaneous can has been living with her parents. She doesn't have her own house, let alone buy her a house. She has nowhere to go. She can only take Miao Qichu back to her mother's house.

She knocked and the door opened, but her father stood at the door and blocked the door. He didn't mean to let her in at all. "What are you doing back?"

"Dad..." she cried and said, "Miao instantaneous can wants to divorce me..."

Yao's father looked at her coldly and said, "I said long ago that I would treat my daughter as dead. You are a high-ranking imperial concubine. You are rich and have nothing to do with me. If you are down and poor, don't ask for food in front of my house."

"Dad, I'm your daughter!" Yao Fang cried, "Dad, you help me. I really have no place to go, otherwise I won't come back with Qi Qi..."

She dared not go to the hotel.

She and Fu chenjie are making a lot of noise on the Internet. Her face doesn't code. She's afraid of being recognized.

Yao's father looked down at Miao Qichu.

Miao Qichu was disheartened and his crying eyes were swollen. He trembled with Yao Fang.

Yao's father felt a pain in his heart, reached out and grabbed Miao Qichu's arm and pulled Miao Qichu behind him. "The child is innocent and can stay. Who are you willing to pick up with Miao instantaneous can, but you can't stay."

The child is innocent.

It was he who failed to educate Yao Fang well that harmed the child.

He has to take care of the child, or the child will come to a bad end with Yao Fang.

"Dad..." Yao Fang also wanted to beg. Yao's father turned to enter the house and closed the door.

Yao Fang knocked hard at the door, but there was no response in the door.

Yao Fang waited outside the door for more than an hour, but no one opened the door for her.

She had no choice but to leave.

Walking down the street, she felt a burst of reluctance and hatred.

Just yesterday, she was still so happy and became the envy of everyone. In a twinkling, she became a lost dog. Her mother-in-law kicked her out. Her mother's family despised her as a junior and had long broken off relations with her.

She racked her brains for so long and paid so much, but the final result was betrayal and nothing.

It's Lin Jiajia!

Lin Jiajia did this to her!

Strong hatred burst out in her eyes. She took a taxi and came to Lin Jiajia's residence.

When she worked with Lin Jiajia, she came to Lin Jiajia's house, but she didn't know whether Lin Jiajia had moved.

Following her memory, she knocked on Lin Jiajia's door.

Footsteps came from the room. Footsteps stopped at the door, but no one opened the door.

She immediately understood and slapped the door panel harder: "Lin Jiajia, don't pretend to be dead. I know you're inside. Open the door, open the door!", the fastest update of the webnovel!