You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 680

"No, I have proof!" Chi Yu looked at him coldly and disgusted, and said: "what you said when you were scared by the fake Shimu bridge just now is the evidence! Your reaction just now is enough to show that you killed shimuqiao! Shimuqiao was killed by you. Qingqing was killed by you! As long as I know this, I can do anything to you. I don't need any evidence! "

Chi Zhen struggled, distorted and ferocious: "I knew for a long time that you never regarded me as your relative! You brutes, brutes! I only wish I didn't kill you and die with you

Chi Yu can no longer suppress the anger in his heart. He steps forward and slaps him in the face. He says angrily: "Chi Zhen, who is the animal? You used to be an orphan. My uncle and aunt adopted you. My aunt died early. My uncle was busy with work. My father took you in. He loved you as much as his own son! From childhood to adulthood, you have all our brothers and sisters. The whole family takes you as the third young master of the Chi family. They never despise you. What else do you want? "

"Then why doesn't Chi Qing marry me?" Chi Zhen struggled desperately, with a ferocious face: "I told her that I like her, I love her, and I want to marry her to be my wife. Why doesn't she agree to me?"

Chi Yu clenched his teeth and asked: "so, that's why you hurt Qingqing, isn't it? Is it because she won't marry you that you're going to harm her with shimuqiao? "

"No, I didn't, I didn't mean to hurt her..." Chi Zhen suddenly stopped struggling.

He seemed to think of something. His strength relaxed and his tight body bent down.

He closed his eyes, tears dripping down the corner of his eyes: "I didn't want to hurt her I really didn't want to hurt her I said that I wanted to marry her, and she refused me. I thought that she must look down on me. She is the only eldest lady in the Chi family. She is so perfect, and I am just a cousin of my uncle's family who has nothing... "

He opened his eyes and looked at Chi Yu, his eyes suddenly burst out a strong hatred, "it's shimuqiao! It's the beast of shimuqiao! Originally agreed, I help him to find opportunities, let him kidnap Qingqing, he covered Qingqing's eyes, let me have Qingqing's body, and then he abandoned Qingqing, let Qingqing think she is a ruined woman, at that time, I will propose to Qingqing again, Qingqing will certainly agree! "

He rattled his teeth and wanted to tear them to pieces. "Who knows, the beast of shimuqiao changed his mind temporarily and made people feel better. He also threw her into the wilderness, the beast, the beast!"

"He's an animal, you're not as good as an animal!" Chi Yue's face turned pale, and he coughed again and again. He pointed to Chi Yue's nose, and his fingers trembled. "You, you, because of this reason, do you harm Qingqing like this today? As long as I knew today, I shouldn't have adopted you... "

"Adoption?" Chi Zhen sneered, "don't talk so nice. What's the adoption? It's just a dog! If you really treat me as your own son and brother, why don't you let me be the management of the company and just let me be a small department head? If I make a little mistake, you're training me like a dog! What do you mean by adopting me? It's just a cover up to earn a good reputation, a bunch of respectable animals! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!