You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 679

"Chi Zhen, don't quibble any more. It's useless," Chi Yu said coldly. "What you just said is enough to prove that you killed shimuqiao and the gossypol you injected into the cooking oil in the kitchen. I've also found out. The doctor has checked Xiaozhan and me. Xiaozhan and I haven't lost our fertility. Your conspiracy has been ruined."

Chi Zhen's facial features are distorted in an instant, "you Do you even know about gossypol? "

Chi Yu coldly looked at him: "let me and Xiaozhan lose fertility, I can understand, if I and Xiaozhan have no children, when you have children, everything of Chi family can only be handed over to your children to inherit, but I don't understand, why do you want to harm Qingqing? Qingqing is gentle and kind, caring for you. Why do you harm her? Are you a beast? "

"Yes, I admit that I added gossypol to the cooking oil." Up to now, there is no way to deny this, and Chi Zhen has to admit it.

"As for the purpose, as you said just now, you and Chi Zhan have no children in the future, only I have children. It's better for Chi family's children to be inherited by my children," Chi Zhen said with a sneer. "But I don't hold much hope. I'm not the seed of your chi family. Even if you and Chi Zhan have no children in the future, you'd rather adopt one from a collateral line than let me Do you think our children will inherit the family? I don't think that if I let you lose your fertility, you can inherit your family's property. I just like to see that you can't have a child. I want to see if duanmuying will divorce you when you cut off your fertility

Chi Zhen admits this.

He knew that no matter how hidden he was, as long as Chi Yu had suspected him, he would sooner or later dig out the evidence of his purchase of gossypol.

After all, the man who sold his gossypol is still alive.

As long as Chi Yu works hard to find that person, that person can testify against him.

This point, he can't run, it's better to admit it.

He looked at Chi Yu humbly and honestly: "but I only injected gossypol into edible oil. As for Qingqing and shimuqiao, I didn't hurt them. Qingqing is my sister. I love Qingqing, and I have no reason to hurt her."

Shimuqiao is dead. There is no proof of death.

He believes that even if Chi Yu suspects him, he can't prove that he killed shimuqiao.

Injection of gossypol into edible oil is not a serious crime. I'm afraid it can't be sentenced even for two or three years. If you hire a good lawyer, it's estimated that the sentence will be postponed.

But murder is a big crime. If you admit it, he's done.

Chi Yu looked at him with a sneer, "Chi Zhen, do you think that if the division screen bridge is dead, you can rest easy? Do you think I can't do anything to you if I can't find the evidence to kill you? "

He stared into Chi Zhen's eyes and said word by word, "you're wrong!"

"Somebody He gave a cold order.

Immediately a bodyguard came forward, "yes, young master!"

"Take him down," Chi Yu coldly looked at Chi Zhen, slowly said: "ask the whereabouts of the corpse of shimuqiao, as long as he can't die, how can you ask."

Chi Zhen pupil suddenly tightening: "Chi Yu, are you crazy? I'm your cousin

"Yes Chi Yu sneered, "you are a good cousin who wants to kill our chi family by giving me medicine!"

"You can't do this to me!" Chi Zhen, who was twisted by the bodyguard, struggled and roared: "you have no evidence, you can't abuse lynching." , the fastest update of the webnovel!