You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6794

With Miao instantaneous can's promise, the top priority is to divorce her.

She not only wants a divorce, but also strives for custody of her children.

But Fu chenjie refused to divorce. Whether she threatened or cried, Fu chenjie refused to divorce.

If Fu chenjie doesn't sign the divorce agreement, she can only sue for divorce.

It takes at least half a year to sue for divorce. Miao instantaneous can is a big turnip. Maybe one day she will like the new and hate the old. She will forget her. She can't wait that long.

She usually likes to watch some live broadcasts. When she was upset and opened the live broadcast to relieve her mood, she came up with a good idea - force Fu chenjie to divorce her with public opinion.

So, she found Lin Jiajia and cried to Lin Jiajia that Fu chenjie was a Ma Bao Man and Fu chenjie's mother was a pervert with a fetish for children.

Lin Jiajia believed it.

She wants a divorce. Lin Jiajia wants to be famous. They hit it off immediately. She takes Lin Jiajia to Fu chenjie's house for live broadcasting.

In recent years, there are two kinds of men that women hate most, one is phoenix man, the other is Ma Bao man.

She described Fu chenjie as Ma Baonan, applied some of the feelings between mother and son seen on the Internet to Fu chenjie and Fu chenjie's mother, and cried to the camera.

Lin Jiajia testified that netizens easily believed her and were incited by her. Fu chenjie and Fu chenjie's mother were scolded bloody.

Fu chenjie's mother was admitted to the hospital angrily. Fu chenjie couldn't entangle with her anymore. He signed the divorce agreement and gave up the custody of the child.

She achieved her wish, got free and returned to Miao instantaneous can.

However, she is still too naive. Even if she gave birth to Miao instantaneous can's only son, even if Miao instantaneous can divorced and is a second married man, she still can't get Miao instantaneous can's parents' approval and can only be raised outside by Miao instantaneous can.

She was unwilling, so she deliberately took her son to attack Miao instantaneous can's mother.

Her son followed all the advantages of her and Miao instantaneous can, smart and beautiful, and Yuxue was lovely. After contacting her son several times, Miao instantaneous can's mother was soft hearted.

She has a good set in bed, coupled with the powerful help of her son, she finally married the Miao family two months ago.

The two months after she married the Miao family were the most comfortable and beautiful months of her life.

Of course, it's not that people with broken mouths say she's a junior and scold her son as illegitimate.

But so what?

She is no longer a junior now. She is the wife that Miao instantaneous can married in the Hukou book.

Her son is no longer illegitimate, but a legitimate son.

She spent so much thought and time, and even did not hesitate to marry an honest and dull man she despised most, which finally changed the fate of her and her son.

Since then, her blood has completely changed from her son's generation.

She has changed from a poor girl of a poor family who has been poor for several generations to a rich wife of a rich family.

Those who scold her are just jealous of her.

There are many people who want to marry rich people. How many can succeed?

She succeeded!

Those who scold her may want to marry rich people, but they don't have the ability.

Most people will only talk about her behind her back and scold her. They always have to take into account some faces face-to-face and will not say anything about her. More people whose family background is inferior to her will not scold her, but also compliment her and please her., the fastest update of the webnovel!