You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6793

Miao instantaneous can's wife is a shrewd, jealous and defensive woman.

Miao instantaneous can's wife finds out that she has an unusual relationship with Miao instantaneous can, and takes strict precautions against her.

She is pregnant with Miao instantaneous can's child. If she stays with Miao instantaneous can, Miao instantaneous can's wife will find out.

She will be humiliated by Miao's wife like Miao's junior three, junior four and junior five, and the child will be knocked out.

Children are her only chance to become rich. She wants to keep them anyway.

So she resigned.

She not only resigned, but also found an honest man and married herself quickly.

She had a ghost in her heart, so she chose a man who was honest and had no intention at first sight. Moreover, the man's family situation was very simple. His father died early. There was only one equally honest mother, and there were no close relatives at home.

In such a family, her secrets are not easy to expose.

She was beautiful. Not long after entering the door, she told her husband that she was pregnant.

Her husband's name is Fu chenjie. He is an honest and honest man. After she was pregnant with a child, Fu chenjie and his mother offered her as empress dowager and Buddha.

Only she knew that she was pregnant when she married Fu chenjie.

To hide the child's life experience and not let Fu chenjie and his mother doubt, she must let the child "premature birth".

So, when the due date was half a month away, Fu chenjie's mother had just dragged the ground. She secretly sprinkled some water on the ground while Fu chenjie's mother didn't pay attention, and she "happened to" step on that water and "slipped".

She gave birth prematurely.

The doctor had been paid by her for a long time and cooperated with her from the time of her pregnancy examination.

Her child was only half a month away from the due date of delivery. It was full-term production, but she asked the doctor to cooperate with her and told Fu chenjie and Fu chenjie's mother that the child was premature for more than two months.

During pregnancy, in order to maintain her figure, she only ate nutritious things, but did not eat much. The child was born with a weight of only five kilograms. The doctor said that the child was premature. Neither Fu chenjie nor Fu chenjie's mother suspected it.

Although the child weighs only five kilograms, he is very healthy. He has been raised for more than a month. He has a little meat on his face and body. He looks very cute.

Fu chenjie and Fu chenjie's mother loved her child and treated her as a great hero. They served her like the Empress Dowager and the old Buddha and didn't let her do anything.

Her life is very comfortable, but she has never forgotten Miao instantaneous can.

What if Fu chenjie is nice to her?

Fu chenjie is an ordinary wage earner who can no longer be ordinary. He gets thousands of dollars a month.

Fu chenjie's monthly salary is not as valuable as the bag Miao instantaneous can bought her before.

She doesn't want to be such a poor person. She wants to change the fate of herself and her children. She wants to be a rich man.

Even if Fu chenjie is kind to her, she has been paying attention to Miao instantaneous can.

Kung Fu pays off. She waited hard for several years and finally got the chance.

Miao instancan's wife can't stand Miao instancan's flirtatious character and divorces Miao instancan.

She immediately finds Miao instantaneous can and tells her that she gave birth to Miao instantaneous can's son.

Miao instantaneous can liked her very much. In addition, she gave birth to Miao instantaneous can's son. Miao instantaneous can divorced again. The weather, place and people are in harmony. Miao instantaneous can promised to find a chance to talk to her family about her and her children and marry her in the future., the fastest update of the webnovel!